Role Of Public Relations In Enhancing Customers Satisfaction

(A Case Study Of Nigerian Airways Enugu)

5 Chapters
83 Pages
10,065 Words

This study is aimed at pointing out the function of pubic relations officer in customer’s satisfaction in Nigeria Airways Enugu.
Research method: The data for this study were collected through questionnaire.
Thereafter the data collected were analyzed using chi – square method (X2) = (0 -e)
Which served to out qualitative characterizes
In the data into numerical form and relationships.
The research finding the essentials of public relations officer in an establishment.
The effect of public relations in promoting the image of an organization.



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Title page II
Approval page III
Dedication IV
Acknowledgement V
Abstract VI
Table of content VII

1.1 Background of the study 9
1.2 The objectives of Nigerian Airway 10
1.3 Statement of research problem 12
1.4 Objective of the study 14
1.5 Significance of the study 15
1.6 Research questions 17
1.7 Research Hypothesis / Null Hypothesis 17
1.8 Conceptual of Operational Definition 18
1.9 Definition of terms Operational 20
1.10 Assumptions 21
1.11 Limitation of the study 22

2.1 The origin and concept public relations 23
2.2 The place of public relation in an Organization 27
2.3 Publics 31
2.4 Corporate Image 32
2.5 Social Responsibility 34
2.6 The pubic relations practitioner 38
2.7 Summary of Literature review 40

3.1 RESEARCH Method 43
3.2 Research design 43
3.3 Expression Instrument
3.4 Measuring Instrument 45
3.5 Method off data analysis 46

4.1 Data analysis and interpretation 47
4.2 Table 1: Measurement on image problemof Nigerian Enugu 49
4.3 Table 2: Measurement on the role played by the public relations 50
4.4 Table 3 :- Measurement of the basic stepstop be taken 52
4.5 Table 4:- Measurement of effects of
political interference 55
4.6 Discussion 57

5.1 Summary and recommendation for further study 62
5.2 Recommendations 65
5.3 Conclusion 68
Bibliography 71

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