Role Of Accounting In The Control Of Private And Public Sectors Of The Economy

(A Case Study Of Udo Dili Umu Ibe Coy And Nepa)

5 Chapters
91 Pages
13,171 Words

In recent times, private and public organizations in Nigeria have been faced with cases of financial crises, which have resulted in most of the organizations going into extension. Those who are able to survive more are in a gunil pace. Obviously, the causes of financial crises in our private and public sectors have been attributed to be unrecognized in nature and total negligence of the roles of accounting in our private and public organizations.
This research work will look the role of accounting in the central of private and public sectors in Nigeria. It will try to analyzed the implication of applying the accounting principles in our private and organizations and then look at how these principles confined the operations of the public and private section of the organization in Nigeria.
On the cause of writing this project study, extensive efforts will be made to find out some of the problems our factors militating against the appropriate application of accounting principles and which invariably causes managers to neglect the role of accounting in the control of private and public organizations in Nigeria. Consequently, upon this, recommendations will be suggested in how or the steps that will be taken to eradicated this setbacks and deficiency in the systems.
In a bid to achieve a meaningful/research study work this research will review related literature on the role of accounting in the control of private and public sectors in Nigeria oral interview will also be conducted with the managers or heads of some selected private and public organizations in Nigeria.
Other supplementary instruments are data collected from journals, magazines, questionnaire and existing textbooks. All these data collected will be analyzed critically and descriptive with the aid of table in research work.

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Title page
List of tables

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Short background history of the case study
1.3 Statement of problems
1.4 Research objectives and purpose
1.5 Significance of the study
1.6 Research questions
1.7 Hypothesis
1.8 Scope and limitations of the study
1.9 Definition of term
1.10 Reference

2.1 Literature review
2.2 Historical development of accounting in Nigeria
2.3 The nature of accounting principles
2.4 Types of accounting principles
2.5 Factors affecting accounting principles
2.6 The role of accounting in the control of public sector
2.6.1 Problems of accounting in the control of public sector in Nigeria economy
2.6.2 How accounting is used to control public sector in Nigeria economy
2.7 The role of accounting in the control of private sectors
2.7.1 How accounting is being used in the control of private sector
2.7.2. The roles accounting played in the control of private sector

3.1 Introduction
3.2 Area of study
3.3 Population of the study
3.4 Sample of the study
3.5 Development of research instrument
3.6 Observation
3.7 Mode of data analysis
3.8 Reliability of data
3.9 Research design
3.10 Data collection
3.11 Hypothesis used
3.12 Research questions

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data presentation and analysis
4.3 Test technique
4.4 Decision rule
4.5 Testing the hypothesis
4.6 General comments

5.1 Summary of findings
5.2 Recommendation on findings
5.3 Recommendation for further studies
5.4 Conclusion
5.5 Further suggestions to the studies work

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