Public Sector Accounting

(A Case Study Of Financial Control System In Enugu South Local Government Area)

5 Chapters
86 Pages
9,574 Words

One of the most researched and least understood variables of public sector accounting is how the accountability and stewardship of financial control is conducted. People have been speculating on how the funds generated are managed but now researchers have conducted systematic investigation of funds and leakage in local government revenue system.
Even with this, there is still an increasing difficulty and doubts in establishing the fact that the revenue generated are put in good use.
There is also an evaluation of the source of revenue to the local government, and the impact of financial control system in the local government revenue system particularly the revenue collection points where all derivable revenues are kept for safe custody.
Secondly, to find out if really there is grant from the federal and state government to the local government areas and how it’s being spent.
Finally to know the reason, the local government cannot employ their resources in funding projects.
Findings and recommendations have gone a long way to establish proper financial control system in local government and it’s improvement

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Title page
Approval page
Table of contents

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Purpose of the study
1.3 Significance of the study
1.4 Statement of the problems
1.5 Hypotheses formulation
1.6 Scope and limitation
1.7 Definition of terms

2.1 Definition
2.2 Budget
2.3 Financial Regulations
2.4 Cash Accounting
2.5 Local Government Reform
2.6 Local government accounting functions
2.7 Sources of revenue to the local government
2.8 Rural development functions

Research Design & Methodology
3.1 Research design
3.2 Area of study
3.3 Population
3.4 Sample and sampling procedure
3.5 Sources of data
3.5.1 Interview method
3.5.2 Questionnaire method
3.6 Procedure for data analysis.

Presentation and Analysis of Data
4.1 Presentation
4.2 General data
4.3 Test of hypothesis
4.4 Analysis of survey results

5.1 Summary of findings
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusions

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