Influence of classroom conditions on students’ performances in secondary schools

(in enugu north local government area of Enugu state)

5 Chapters
69 Pages
10,349 Words

The availability of a development infrastructure of various levels of educational institutions is inevitable for sound academic learning. The benefits derivable in an institution with good infrastructures, adequate classroom facilities cannot be over emphasized. This work was aimed at championing an ideal modern classroom conditions which will enhance learning and molding of attitudes. In this study, related literature was reviewed. This work tried to survey the present classroom conditions obtainable in secondary schools in Enugu North Secondary School in Enugu State. Sample of 200 students was used. In the analysis, mean was used, the findings were analyzed and recommendation was given. From table I: Most of the respondents were positive to the question items, while few respondents were negative to few questions. Table II: Majority of the respondents responded positively too, while few responded negatively. Table III: Majority of respondents were positive to the items in the question while few disagreed, which indicates that classroom condition affects learning. Table IV: Majority of the respondents were positive which shows that, teachers have roles to play to improve the classroom conditions. The work finally revealed that classroom condition influences learning in schools. The following findings were discovered from data analysis conducted in this work, Lack of availability of facilities, arrangement and utilization of these facilities influences student’s performance, That classroom should be well equipped, Students find it difficult to learn in an unconducive environment, That students dislike standing while or when receiving lectures because it causes discomfort and tiredness, That availability of facilities, arrangement and utilization of these facilities facilitates learning too.

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Title page
Approval page
Certification page
Table of contents

Background of the study
Statement of problem
Purpose of the study
Significance of the study
Scope of the study
Research questions

Review of related literature
Literature review
The impact of classroom condition on students
and teachers
Summary of the review

Design of the study
Area of the study
Population for the study
Sample and sampling Technique
Instrument for data collection
Validation of instrument
Reliability of the instrument
Method of data collection
Method of data analysis

Data presentation, analysis and discussion of
Summary of the findings

Discussion of finding
Limitation of the study

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