Effectiveness Of Physical Distribution Of Charis Sachets Water

(A Case Study Of Ej Collince Company)

5 Chapters
111 Pages
13,503 Words

This research work is mainly on effectiveness of physical distribution of Chris sachet Water in Enugu metropolis. The data needed for this study was collected from employees, consumers of Charis sachet water.
The objective is to find out if their products have very wide demand within Enugu metropolis. To determine the rate of satisfaction of consumers with the present level of physical distribution and to know if their product reaches the consumers at the worked for. The research methodology employed were questionnaires and observation of how physical distribution are implemented.
In addition, various statistical models like Top man formular and Z test techniques were used in calculating the sample size and testing of the hypothesis respectively.
From the analysis of the data obtained it was discovered that Charis sachet water have very wide demand within Enugu Metropolis that dealers are not satisfied with the present level of physical distribution service they receiving, products are not distributed to very point where they are needed at the right time and quantity and that they receive complaints from customer with this it was recommended that Charis sachet water should increase their product quantity for greater market share, improve physical distribution by providing enough product at the right time and right quantity and customer oriented.
Based on the findings, and the various facts highlighted, the following where recommended.
1. Product high quality should be maintained for continual greater market share.
2. In view of the fact that the initial problem of the company is finding capable distribution outlets, the company should engages more on intensive physical distribution system so that the numerous customers are adequately reached.
3. The company should also try as much as possible to stop renting if this is implemented the warehousing (depot) facilities must be satisfactory
4. The company should provide more storage facilities to customers and Kiosks to every customer in order to increase sales.
5. The sales truck should serviced more often to avoid break down to enable it render adequate interrupted delivery service and this will minimize complaints from customers.

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Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Content

Chapter One
1.1 Background Of The Study

1.2 Historical Background Of The Company
1.3 Statement Of The Study
1.4 Objective Of The Study
1.5 Significance Of The Study
1.6 Limitation Of The Study
1.7 Research Questions
1.8 Setting Of Hypothesis
1.9 Definition Of Terms

Chapter Two
2.0 Review Of The Related Literature

2.1 Meaning Of Physical Distribution
2.2 Nature Of Physical Distribution
2.3 Overview Of Physical Distribution
2.4 The Growth And Distribution Of Sachet Water
2.5 Concept Of Physical Distribution
2.6 Activities Involved In Physical Distribution
2.7 Physical Distribution In Enugu
2.8 Importance Of Physical Distribution

Chapter Three
3.1 Scope Of The Study

3.2 Source Of Data
3.2.1 The Primary Data
3.2.2 The Secondary Data
3.3 Questionnaire Design
3.4 Determination Of Sample
3.5 To Obtain Probability Of Success And Failure
3.6 Questionnaire Completion Time
3.7 Questionnaire Allocation And Sample Size
3.8 Calculation And Allocation Of Questionnaire
3.9 Reliability Test
3.10 Method Of Analysis

Chapter Four
4.0 Presentation, Interpretation, Analysis Of Data And Testing Of Hypothesis

4.1 Distribution And Collection Of Questionnaire For Employees

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary Of Findings, Conclusion And Recommendation

5.1 Summary Of Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation

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