Effect Of Motivation And Training On Productivity

(A Case Study Of Three Community Banks In Enugu Metropolis)

5 Chapters
115 Pages
11,174 Words

This research work dealt on the effects of motivation and training on productivity of banks in Enugu State with particular reference to employees of community banks. The broad objectives of the study was to find out the general effects of staff motivation and training on the productivity of banks. In this study area and their adequacy, with a view to make useful recommendation on how to achieve maximum worker productivity from motivated and trained worker. In pursuance of the study objectives, the researcher asked four research questions and formulated three hypothesis for sample size of 60 worker was statistically determined. Both primary and secondary data sources were utilized during the study. Primary data were generated through carefully structures questionnaire, administered to target respondents during the field survey. This was supplemented with oral interview and personal observation. Secondary data for they were obtained through review of relevant literature.
Data collected were carefully presented and analyzed with simple, but appropriate statistical tools like frequency distribution, tables and percentages. The hypothesis formulated were tested with chi-square test model.
Based on the study findings, the researcher recommended that community banks develop sound policy on staff training and promotion in order to enhance staff efficiency and productivity that improved pay packages and other incentive be put in place, that qualified an active staff that the capital based of community bank be increased to enable them meet the increasing challenges in the banking industry.

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NOTE: Preview the following Table of Content before you download the full content. WYSIWYG – What You See Is What You Get.

i. Title Page
i. Approval page
ii. Dedication
iii. Acknowledgement
iv. Table of content
v. List of Table
vi. Abstract

Chapter One
Background of the study
Statement of problem
Purpose of the study
Research Questions
Research Hypothesis.
Significance of the study
Scope and Limitations of the study
Definition of Terms.

Chapter Two
Literature Review
Evolution of Community Banking in Nigeria
The Concept of Community Bank
The Objectives of Community Banks
Functions of Community Banks
Management of the Community Bank and Productivity
Development and Training
Types of Training and Manpower development programmes.
Techniques for Motivating the Employee
Symptoms of Poor Motivation

Chapter Three
Research Methodology
Research Design
Source of Data
Area of the Study
Population of the study
Sample and Sampling Procedure
Data collection
Validation of Research Instrument.
Reliability of the Research Instrument
Method of Administration of Research Instrument
Method of data analysis

Chapter Four
Response Rate to the Questionnaires.
Data Presentation and analysis
Other Findings.
Test of Hypothesis and Decision

Chapter five
Conclusion from Findings
Limitations and Suggestions foe Further Studies.
Appendix A – Letter of the respondent
Appendix B – Research Questionnaire.

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