Design And Construction Of A 3 Way Inter Communication System

6 Chapters
43 Pages
5,491 Words

An intercommunication system is nothing but the communication between two or more persons not close to one another. This does not mean we should categorize telephones, fax, teleprinters, telegraphs etc. an example of intercom system sine they are used in communication between people. Infact, intercom involves short distance places. It is limited in electronics, offices, and hospitals.
The intercom system under is a three way station type. This means that a person can communicate to the other at another station at his own convenient time. They call once another attention by the use of the tone generated by the use of tone generator.
Depress a button and the tone sounds, and the same switch is thrown to the intercom circuit thus they communicate.
This system to be used in solving the problem of poor communication in our department. Besides, it can be extended to some other offices by the addition this one may use a rotary switch

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Title Page
Table Of Contents


Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

Chapter Two
2.0 Complete Circuit Description

2.1 Simplified Block Diagram Of Thee 3-Way Intercom System
2.2 Operation Principles

Chapter Three
3.0 Icc1212c

3.1 Resistor
3.2 Capacitor
3.3 Condenser Microphone
3.4 Loudspeakers
3.5 Switches
3.6 Communication Cables

Chapter Four
4.0 Circuitry Design And Description

4.1 Description Of Power Supply Unit Circuit
4.2 Description Of The Tone Generator Circuit
4.3 Circuit Diagram Of The Three Units And Explanation
4.4 Explanation Of The Switching Circuit

Chapter Five
5.0 Construction And Packaging

5.01 Component Sourcing
5.1 Construction And Testing
5.2 Audio Amplifying Stage
5.3 Prototype
5.4 Trouble Shooting
5.5 Packaging

Chapter Six
6.0 Conclusion

6.1 Further Study And Design

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