Comparative Analysis Of Microbial Load Of The Enugu Main Water Production And Water Available To Imt Campus Ii Hostel

6 Chapters
49 Pages
5,928 Words

Samples of water from the different hostels in campus II and other source of water production namely Ajali-owa water, from bore hole 9th mile and spring water from GRA water board were water collecterd and analysed using total plate count and multiple tube fermentaton techniques coliform. The results shows no coliforms in production water from Ajali-owa and in GRA spring water reservaiour and no coliform in 9th mile bore hole water, 14 organism and 149 cfu/ml plate counts were obtained from tap water in IMT campus II hostel 7 coliform and Tocful / ml plate count from well water and 28 coliform and 280 cfu/ml plate count from spillage waste water. These results obtained show that tap water consumed in IMT campus II did not meet with NAFDAC and WHO standards. Preventive measures such as proper treatment of these water should be encourage and all pipes in campus II should be checked for leakages

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Title page
Table of content

1.1 Aims / objectives of the study
1.2 Statement of problems
1.3 Hypothesis
1.4 Scope of limitation

Literature review
2.1 The major group of biological Pollutions of water
2.2 Source of water supply
2.3 Source of water pollution
2.4 Treatment of water sample
2.5 International standard for drinking water
2.6 Diseases from water

3.0 Materials & methods
3.0 Materials
3.1 Media preparation
3.2 Collection of samples
3.3 Collection of samples
3.4 Methods of water analysis
3.5 Determination of PH
3.5.1 Determination of bacteria of the coliform
3.5.2 Culture techniques
3.5.3 Plate count technique
3.5.4 Presumption coliform (multiple tube fermebtation
3.5.4 Confirmatory test
3.5.5 Completed test
3.5.6 Test for indole
3.5.7 Methyl red test
3.5.8 Sugar test
3.5.9 Oxidase test
3.5.10 Catakase test
3.5.11 The slide cougulase test
3.5.12 Gram stain techniques
3.5.13 Detection of faecal stredtococci
3.5.14 Detection of escherichi coli test
3.5.15 Organism suspected after gram staining



6.1 Conclusion
6.2 Recommendation

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