Assessment Of The Contributions Of Hydrologic Cycle To The Water Quality Profile Of Otamiri River

5 Chapters
94 Pages
10,751 Words

This Research or project is on the Assessment of the contributions of the hydrologic cycle to the water quality profile of Otamiri River. Since the quality of the River is polluted by the waste from different sources. This project or research which its objective is to find out exactly the contributions of the hydrologic cycle to the water quality of otamiri river and the health implications of these sorts department to the users of possible solutions to the problems observed in this cause of the study.
The assessment of the contribution of hydrologic cycle to the water quality of Otamiri, River was assessed physically, chemically, and biologically. The method of data collection was by primary data sources, while the results gotten from the test are the secondary sample.
Chapter three shows the sample collected from different materials of the River (sample A, sample B and sample C). sample were tested for physical biological & chemical parameters.
Chapter four shows the presentation of the Result gotten from the experiment while chapter five is the conclusion, summary and recommendations made.




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Title page
Table of content

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Background of the study 4
1.3 Objective of the study 5
1.4 Scope of the study 5
1.5 Research hypothesis 6
1.6 Significance of the study 7
1.7 Limitation of the study 7

2.1 Literature review 8
2.2 Hydrology 11
2.3 The hydrologic cycle 11
2.4 Human activities that effect water cycle 12
2.5 Effect on biochemical cycling 13
2.6 Water quality 13
2.7 Characteristics of water 16

3.0 Sampling points and methods 24
3.1 Decision on quality parameters
for analysis 25
3.2 Methodology 25

4.1 Results and data 79
4.1.1 Presentation of data and analysis 79

5.0 Summary, conclusion and
Recommendation 84
5.1 Summary 84
5.2 Conclusion 85
5.3 Recommendation 86
References 8




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