Effects Of Human Resources Development On Organizational Growth

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This research work necessitated by the need to effectively understand the effects of Human Resources Development in organizational growth. The attainment of organizational goal are very much dependent on the nature of human resources development and ways to execute them. This is important because of the individualistic differences of employees and the cultural framework of the organization under review
Every business enterprise big or small, public and private attempts to initiate and input certain human resources development with a view to attaining the set goals and increase productivity and establish good cooperate image in the eye of the public.
The research looked into the following findings. It is duly established that some flaws exists in training and development of human resources in ITF Enugu Area office and the situation would worsen in the near future if appropriate actions are not taken.
There should be an effective training programme that is good enough in maintaining cordial relationship between the management and the labour, which will help in achieving the organizational growth and objectives.
That overseas training programmes are not better than local training programmes.
That the employer/employee relationship in ITF needs more improvement to boost effective training and development of personnel.
In addition, the following recommendations were made, that ITF should endeavour to encourage cordial relationship between the management and the labour as a safe way of achieving organizational growth.
To keep peace with the present policy and training and development of human resources both within and outside it. So as to live upto the standard for which the institution was established.
That ITF should encourage overseas training programs to be able to keep or cope with the challenges of time and the dynamic nature of industrial technology.
Finally, in its major policies should be modified for effective attainment of its set goals.
My profound gratitude will not fail to go to the following people, Chief and Lolo Okechukwu Omaji (Chinyereugo I of Umuabi Udi) Mr Collins Nze Ochinanwata II of Udi, Mr Ifeanyichukwu, Mr Oye, Mr Onyekachukwu, Mrs Chinwoke Nzeh, Vivian, Chinasa, Oby Mr and Mrs Okoli, Maltina, Chekwube, Emeh, Ejike and other friends and well wishers who actually urged and encouraged me throughout my academic pursuit.
Thanks to you all.


Chapter One


Wendel (1973) described human resources in his books as consisting of all individuals engaged in any of the organizations activities regardless of their levels. Human resources from the above simply means, men and women working for an organization, irrespective of the post they are holding. However, this went further to emphasis that there was no demarcation for men and women working for the organization that belong or do not belong to the human resources of the organization.
Meanwhile, any activity in the organization from the beginning to the end stage depends on human resources. Therefore, any organization aiming at achieving some of their goals must ensure not only maintaining constant and adequate supply of human resources but also ensure that they were adequately motivated. This is because, the human resources that are motivated will be answering human resources of the organization without putting in their best.
James (1946) stated that the effective use of people is still the key to productivity and your assignment is to motivate people to get the best of their skills and abilities. He affirmed that organization will achieve high productivity more than ever before by motivating their workers and sending them for training.
Morevover, Ubeku (1983) went further to say that although the task of motivating workers is vested on the management team as a while but said that managers have more roles to play. He said that managers, can provide the organization a continuous day to day coaching, appraisal and encouragement – that the employees will need more than ever before. He was of the opinion that manager have upper hand in motivating workers. He further stated that the supervisor who works with his subordinates on this intimate basis can do much to influence his organizations programme.
Training and development of human resources have been considered an expandable luxury in terms of financial constraints. The growth and development of any organization depends on its human resources, a specific cost of management to develop individual skills or a means of developing people for promotion to the next level of organization leadership. While these views carry some validity of human resources should be regarded in the large context of trends in society and the need of changing organization.
In the past, not much importance was attached to the role or human resources development on the growth and efficiency of organizations. No pride of place was given man-power planning and development as a save way to enhance skills knowledge and capacities of personnel in organizations. The importance of investing in human resources has become much clear in recent years because of mounting evidence on the extent of which such investment as an engine change. Although, human resources management is that sub system of an organization which is directly concerned with planning, controlling the procurement, development, compensation, integration and maintenance of the human resources component of the organization. The effectiveness of this sub-system will be judged by the way policies and practices affect the performance and productivity of individual workers will be achieved towards the realization of the effectiveness of the organization.
Today, one of the major problems confronting management in an organization is the most effective way of putting the right position. Management should identify and provide for its human resources to accomplish its task. The concept of organizational effectiveness is that which organizations as a social system give certain resources and means fulfils its objectives without a capacitating its means and resources and without placing undue strain upon its members. The means and resources referred to have cannot be personal constituents of the organization on who the achievement of effectiveness in the organization is based through their increased performance and productivity. The existence of a conducive and carefully designed human resources management policies and practices appear inevitable for the attainment of these goals.
Human resources are the most vital of all the factors input of organization, for without it, all the other factors have to wait. Due to the immense contributions of man power programmes, the government of Nigeria has set up many institutions to help in management education in the country.
The National man-power board is responsible for the periodic appraisal of requirements for man power in all occupations and the development of measures for in service training of employed man-power both in the public and private sectors. Among these institutions is the industrial training fund (ITF) on which these research work is carried. Industrial training fund was established to promote and encourage the acquisition of skills in industry and commercial with a view of generating a pool of indigenous trained man power sufficient to meet the needs of the economy.
Others include the administrative staff college of Nigeria (ASCON) the Nigerian Institute of Management (NIM) and the Center for Management Development (CMD) it is simply defined as the potential available organization from the people who work in it.
To fully achieve this its corporate objectives, an organization must establish it human resources base adequately in both quantity and quality. The effects of human resources on the economic and industrial development has been underscored by Paul G. Hoffinan who said of all the resources required economic development of human resources appear the most strategic if the countries are to achieve self sustaining growth.
Furthermore, in reaction to the felt need for the development of human resources in this country.
The federal government established the training agencies;
(i) Industrial Training Fund (ITF) in 1971.
(ii) The Center for Management Developm,ent (CMD) in 1973
(iii) The Administrative Staff College of Nigeria (ASCON) in 1973.
(iv) Six Federal Training Centers (FTCS) scattered in different locations across the country Lagos.

One of the major problems confronting management in any organization is the most effective way of matching people with jobs. This calls for man power planning programme.
Many organizations fail to progress due to their inability to train and develop their work force. Lack of adequate skills and knowledge, which are required to work and attain the major organizational objectives, constitute a cog in the wheel of achieving them. There has been criticisms from different works of life both within and outside the country about the inefficient performance of our parastatals. The personnel officer should understand and identify certain conditions that will serve as pointers for the need for training.
As noted by Likent (1967) all activities of any enterprise are initiated and determined by the persons who make up the institution. Plants, offices, computer, automated equipment and all these that a modern firm uses are unproductive except for human efforts and direction. The researcher wants to identify the major problems and proffer a suggestion for the progress of the entire organization.

The paramount aim of this research work as could be seen from the title and with the observed problems in mind is to ascertain the effects of human resources development on organizational growth. A case of industrial training fund (ITF) Enugu Area office in essence it seeks to;
(i) Identify various human resources development plans and programmes.
(ii) To identify industrialists and understand the potentials available to them from the people who work in the organization.
(iii) Furthermore, this will help to serve the purpose of setting standards for formulating personnel policies and ways of implementing them regards being hard to the following.
The cultural framework of the enterprise and the individualistic differences of the employees for whom they are meant. With the foregoing, organization will be able to understand the best optimum population of personnel qualities and mode of increasing their staff and knowledge to active organizational growth and effectiveness.

This research work was intended to cover the effects of human resources development on organizational growth with the industrial training fund, Enugu Area office as a case study. Various attempts were made to covert the historical background of industrial training fund, the purpose of establishing it, the problems and prospects thereof. The study includes the functions, sources of fund objectives, grants, and reimbursement scheme of industrial training fund inter-alia.

In order to elicit information from respondents, the following respondents, the following research questions were generated.
(i) What are the employers/employers relationship in attainment of organizational growth.
(ii) In which areas of industrial training fund (ITF) training activities do you think human resources development programme has improved.
(iii) What are the factors responsible for the poor performance of the business organization?
(iv) What are the importance of human resources in a business organization.

Webster New International dictionary defines (Hypothesis as a basic for reasoning a supposition formulated from proved data and presented as a temporary explanation of occurrence, as in science in order to establish a basis for further research. The purpose of hypothesis therefore is to enable one make inference about something.
In a continued effort to reach an appreciable equilibrium in the effects of human resources development on organizational growth, the researcher employed a selected statistical tools to enable us reach a fair conclusion.
In the light of the above therefore, the following major hypothesis have been formulated. Hypothesis may be said to mean a tentative statement made by a research (subject to tests) with a view to forming basis to study a phenomenon, researcher situational dentition.
These hypothesis when tested can confirm or refute the extent at which these advanced statement can be upheld. It can equally place the researcher on the solid ground of drawing his conclusions and subsequent recommendation.
In order to determine the effectiveness of the effects of human resources development. On organizational growth, it is necessary to list the hypothesis below.
Null hypothesis Ho: human resources development does not affects organization growth.
Alternative hypothesis Hi: Human resources development affects organizational growth.
Null hypothesis Ho: Human resources development is not most important sub-system on organizational growth.

Generally speaking, the effectiveness of any organization irrespective of its nature, is measured by one significant and objective criterion, namely the quality of its product in services is to a large extent a function of the caliber of human resources or man power component of the organizations production resources.
This research work is significant to both the management (employers) and the labour (employees). Secondly a close look at the work carried out will reveal a significant effect of human resources development on the organizational growth. Moreso, the research work will serve the role of shaping the organizational policies on human resources (personnel) for the overall attainment of the set objectives. It is only when the human resources is adequately qualified for the job to be performed that we can hope that the material resources in put can be effectively allocated and usefully utilized in the most optimum manner. If personnel administration is to be successful, management must give it sincere support in order to sustain organizational growth. The practical relevance of this study lives in the fact that no organization can achieve its set objectives without competent employees. Hence the issue of training and development becomes a central pre-occupation of any organization out to achieve and sustain efficient operation.
In essence, this study is likely to be of immense value not only to industrial training fund (ITF) but also to all organizations irrespective of size, background and activity. Also the result of this study will hopefully sharpen the ground of the problems besetting human resources development in organization and leading to a more effective grip of the importance of well-developed manpower programme.

Analyzing the efficient human resources development an organizational growth is not a shallow topic to be handled haphazardly, it is not only technical also sensitive and broad. For the purpose of this project, it is restricted to the business concern. Also for want of time resources, industrial training fund (ITF) Enugu Area office is sampled out as a base for the research work, so many factors are deemed to militate against quicker and easier completion of the work. These include among others.
COST: Inadequate fund may stunt this work beyond our taste, lack of fund may also affect not only the period of the research but also its quality. To exalt everything about analyzing the effects of human resources development on the organizational growth and come out of legacy for the posterity one need to travel far and near.
TIME: Time is as costly as money, it is even easier facing financial problems than time, time lost is hardly regained. Financial markets do exist but time existed for time, with the school academic (leader, the period for the research work is too short. Putting other courses into the budget.

RELUCTANT TO COOPERATE: The management of some business organization are too reluctant to disclose the required information and Moreso when it comes to disclosing exposing the organizational books record. The idea equally affects the quality of facts given in the research some do pith pact to suit the firm.

TRAINING: The process of learning the skills that you need to do a job.
COG: A person who is a small part of a large organization.
RECRUITMENT: To find new people to join a company, an organization.
STRATEGY: A plan that is intended to achieve a particular purpose.
INEVITABLE: Something that you cannot avoid or prevent.
INTEGRATION: The act or process of contributing two or more things together so that they can work.


Table of Contents

Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Contents

1.1 Background of the Study 1
1.2 Statement of the Study 6
1.3 Purpose of the Study 7
1.4 Scope of the Study 8
1.5 Research Questions 9
1.6 Research Hypothesis 10
1.7 Significance of the Study 11
1.8 Limitations of the Study 13
References 15

2.1 What is Human Resources 17
2.2 The Historical Background of Human
Resources Development in Nigeria 20
2.3 Human Resources Development and Nigeria Economy 25
2.4 Plans for Governmental Policy on Training
and Development of Human Resources. 28
2.5 Human Resources Development at
Industrial Training Fund (ITF) Enugu 30
References 33

3.1 Research Design 34
3.2 Area of Study 34
3.3 Population of the Study 35
3.4 Sample and Sampling Procedure Technique 35
3.5 Instrument for Data Collection 36
3.6 Validation of the Instrument 37
3.7 Reliability of the Instrument 38
3.8 Sources of Data 38
3.9 Method of Data Collection 39
References 41

4.1 Presentation and Analysis of the Data 43
4.2 Testing of Hypothesis 51
4.3 Summary of Results 54
References 56

5.1 Discussion of Result Findings 58
5.2 Conclusions 59
5.3 Implications of the Research Findings 59
5.4 Recommendations 61
5.5 Suggestions for Further Research 62
Reference 64
Appendices 66
Bibliography 70





Academic Research Structure: Important Sections

A 150–300 word synopsis of the main objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions of the Effects Of Human Resources Development On Organizational Growth should be included in the abstract.

Every chapter, section, and subsection in the research work should be listed in the Table of Contents, including the page numbers that correspond to each one.

The background, research question or hypothesis, and objective or aim of the Effects Of Human Resources Development On Organizational Growth should all be presented in the introduction, which is the first section.

A survey of previously conducted research on Effects Of Human Resources Development On Organizational Growth should be included in the literature review, together with an overview of the main conclusions, a list of any gaps, and an introduction to the current study.

The conclusion part should address the implications of the study, provide an answer to the research question and summarize the key findings.

The reference of Effects Of Human Resources Development On Organizational Growth, which should be formatted following a particular citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago), is a list of all the sources cited in the title.

Other important sections of the Effects Of Human Resources Development On Organizational Growth should include the Title page, Dedication, Acknowledgments, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Appendices, Glossary, or Abbreviations List where applicable.