Effective Of Measurement And Evaluation Of Instruction And Pupils Academic Achievement In Primary Schools

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This research work dealt on effective measurement and evaluation of instructions and pupil’s academic achievement in primary schools in Enugu North Local Government Area. This project work becomes so useful for it’s timeless and objectively. It tends to present an educational teaching model that conveys absolute “Effective” of children in the classroom which special emphasizes on the measurement and Evaluation. This teaching model methodology or approach is called philosophy for children (P4C) or Andragogy. It was designed and developed by Evans and freemen. Retrospectively, the development of this reacting model, the schools teachers and children were best with the trouble of lack of instructional materials. Parents were not caring for their children to think critically as learning processes always begin at home. The school and it’s authorities also lack the same variable quality and instruments that facilitate learning in the classroom. The teachers on their own were not different after all. Then lack of instructional materials in learning and teaching processes

Chapter One

Evaluation is an indispensable tool in any aspect of life’s endeavor as it gives direction
to someone engaging in an activity. It provides relevant and accurate information that facient wise decision making. No matter how efficient the teacher is, how intelligent the pupils are, how adequate the instructional materials are, if no provision is made for the monitoring of the teaching and learning process, the teaching effort many miss the target and therefore become completely invalidated. Evaluation data collected allow school administrator to consider the direction of developing in service training programs that build on the required behavior and skills of teachers. Also performance deficiencies are identified and the teacher help to focus on specific behaviors that can be improved through training as well as comparing of groups of teachers whose entering behaviors and skill are at different level of proficiency.
In education, instructional effectiveness is gaining a major attention, as teachers tend to see evaluation mostly in terms of giving examination to pupils and scoring them to decide who passed or failed. Little attention may be given to the evaluation of how well the pupils have been taught; where as the quality of education depends on the quality and effectiveness of the teachers and the instructional process.
Ukeje (1983) opines that no educational system can rise above the quality of its teacher. The instructional effectiveness of the teacher in any system invariably needs to be evaluation so as to know the quality of education that the system is operating on.
Freeman (1979) found common dimensions which pupils often use as yard stick in perceiving and rating their teachers to include the instructors subject matter competence, ability to relate materials and quality; fairness of feedback, evaluation procedure and the degree of instructor-pupils report.
He further found that some pupils relatively greater importance in associating with a teacher because of the teacher’s personality characteristic which is an important value in the whole process of teacher’s evaluation, and that it effects pupil’s academic achievement. Operationally and promote instruction effectiveness is skill a problem for education and researchers. There is also the problem of instrumentation/ nature of instrument, reliability and validity. However, according to Dorman and Arbon (2001), instrument validations and reliability and divided by favor basis criteria: first the instrument should provide a good coverage of instructional effectiveness. If teachers are concerns are of the pupils; second, the instrument’s structure should be consistent with general psychometric principles in that it should posses several internally consistent mutually exclusive scales; thirdly, individual scale items should be sensitive to different levels of concerns of pupils in the study: and fourthly the instrument should be relatively economical to administer, answer, score and analyses.
In other to operationalize the four criteria, it is necessary to employ both intuitive- rational and factors analytic approaches to scale development. This involves in identification of salient dimensions writing tentative scale items; and conducting field testing and applying factors analysis to group item into scales. This was essentially followed in this study.

Statement of the Problem
The importance of mathematics in the Nigeria school system and in Nigeria’s developmental needs, it is necessary and very importance that teachers of this subject are roundly effective. But how is this effectiveness identified or measured. Many primary schools in Enugu North Local Government of Enugu State organize end of year ceremonies and would always wants to motivate teachers by naming in best teachers of the years. This has always been done through sentimental or political procedures. Therefore, a scientifically constructed and validated instrument of this nature will serve so many of such purpose in our primary schools. It is for this reason that these researchers found it necessary to construct and validate on instrument for evaluation of instructional effectiveness of mathematics teachers in Enugu North Local Government Area in Enugu State in Nigeria.
To contribution of each of the items to the dimension of teaching effectiveness as assessed by the pupils is not significant.
1. The contribution of each of the selection to the overall teaching effectiveness is not significant.
2. The reliability of teaching effectiveness is not significant.
3. The factors that can effect academic achievement of effective teaching.

Purpose of the study
i. To know factor that enhances academic achievement.
ii. To know factors effective measurement and evaluation.
iii. To know pupils academic achievement.
iv. To know teacher’s performance.

Significance of the study
To provide the incoretical bases for this study, Jerome Bruner’s theory of instruction and Okpala’s model of evaluation teaching effectiveness were considered. Jerome Bruner’s theory of instruction states any subject can be taught effectively in an intellectually honest form to any child at any stage of development. Bruner’s contention is that old concepts of readiness, where both the nature of the child and subject matter must not be tempered with, should be discarded. Rather the concept of readiness should be modified to include not just the child but also the content of the subject matter (Bruner 1977).
Bruner’s theory of instruction is based on four major principles: namely.
1. Predisposition
2. Structure and form of knowledge.
3. Sequence
4. Reinforcement or feedback
There are certain variables, which predispose a child to learn. Some of these variables are motivational cultural as well as personal. Motivational is a psychological construct that effect learning generally cultural variable that influence a child to learn mathematics include language and nature of the authority exhibited by the teacher or parents and the attitude of parents towards the subject as an intellectually activity.
A general awareness of how those variables affects the teaching and learning of subject is necessary if subject teacher is to be effective in his/her teaching. Evaluation of teaching. Effectiveness is a integral part of teaching – learning process and that each stage of the teaching – learning process is subject to evaluation and that the evaluation data from each stage could be used to influence decision- making at other stages. Okpala’s model suggests eight dimension of teaching- learning process adopted in this study as the eight dimension of teaching effectiveness. Each characteristic can be precisely defined and can be reliably measures through training and using observational judgmental method most of the time this involves the collection of pupil’s evaluation of their teachers.

Scope of the Study
This study is meant to know the extent effective measurement and evaluation of instruction and pupil’s academic achievement in Enugu Local Government Area.

Research Question
For the purpose of the study, the following research questions were asked.
1. Does effective measurement contribute to academic achievement?
2. To what extend does quality control a marking system and pupil’s academic achievement?
3. Can evaluation of instruction pupil’s academic achievement?
4. Can achievement test be used as an effective tool for effective measurement and evaluation purpose

Table of Contents

i. Title Page
i. Approval page
ii. Dedication
iii. Acknowledgement
iv. Table of content
v. List of Table
vi. Abstract

Chapter One
Statement of problem
Research Hypothesis.
Significance of the study
Research Question

Chapter Two
Review of the related literature
Good School Environment and More Experimental Curriculum.
Factors That Enhances Academic Achievement.

Chapter Three
Design of the Study
Area of the Study
Population of the Study
Sample and Sampling Techniques
Instrument for Data Collection.
Validity of the instrument.
Method of Data Collection.
Method of Data Analysis.

Chapter Four
Effectiveness of Measurement
Quality Control in Marking System
Evaluation of instruction
Achievement Test.

Chapter five
Discussion of Results
Implications of Findings
Suggestion for Further Study.
Appendix A – Letter of the respondent
Appendix B – Research Questionnaire.

Academic Research Structure: Important Sections

A 150–300 word synopsis of the main objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions of the Effective Of Measurement And Evaluation Of Instruction And Pupils Academic Achievement In Primary Schools should be included in the abstract.

Every chapter, section, and subsection in the research work should be listed in the Table of Contents, including the page numbers that correspond to each one.

The background, research question or hypothesis, and objective or aim of the Effective Of Measurement And Evaluation Of Instruction And Pupils Academic Achievement In Primary Schools should all be presented in the introduction, which is the first section.

A survey of previously conducted research on Effective Of Measurement And Evaluation Of Instruction And Pupils Academic Achievement In Primary Schools should be included in the literature review, together with an overview of the main conclusions, a list of any gaps, and an introduction to the current study.

The conclusion part should address the implications of the study, provide an answer to the research question and summarize the key findings.

The reference of Effective Of Measurement And Evaluation Of Instruction And Pupils Academic Achievement In Primary Schools, which should be formatted following a particular citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago), is a list of all the sources cited in the title.

Other important sections of the Effective Of Measurement And Evaluation Of Instruction And Pupils Academic Achievement In Primary Schools should include the Title page, Dedication, Acknowledgments, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Appendices, Glossary, or Abbreviations List where applicable.