Computerization And Its Impact On Organisation Efficiency
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This work is a case study and examine the impact of the computer on the efficient of operation in the National Electric Power Authority NEPA Abuja.
There exist a significant number of authority working on the general subject of the computer and its applications none of these literature at least in this country, have cared to test practically how the computer effect work operations in an indigenous business especially in public corporation.
This project is an organized effort to break the trend. This study comprises five chapters: –
In chapter one, the problem was defined and the objective of the study was stated.
Some existing and related literature is examine in chapter two.
In chapter three, research design and methodology, population, sample and method are discussed.
Data presentation and research result will be treated in chapter four. The discussion will cover major contributions and some problem of the computer in the authority under review.
Chapter five summaries findings and based on this findings recommendation will made for future implement. Findings and recommendations will be made based on the various chapter.
There also will be a conclusion based on five chapter as well as suggestion for the research that will be made in the nearest based on the research work on the chapter that are treated will also have to make notes and make reference cornering various issues discussion in different chapter and bibliography.
In this introduction, we will first look at some American great men, who contributed one way or the other in today modern computer.
We will first look at Drucker who proclaimed that man should live in turbulent times. Another of his country man Bernnis has been adventurous as to suggesting that we are witnessing a break with the nowadays traditional bureaucratic style and structures contemporary industrial society.
Tosher’s views that we are living through a period of massive social development.
Computes are currently in use in many companies and organizations, the appliances and administrative activities.
In addition, they are assisting with a wide range of well known applications which at first glance may seen pointless.
Currently the increasing connection exist between in the technology advantages enjoyed by industrialized nations and their intelligent use to computer technology.
The history of development shows that so far no industrialized nations has been able to make it without the use of computers.
It is hardly surprising therefore that even in under developed countries, the use of computer is gradually becoming the rule, rather than exception.
Most certainty, computer has come to stay and our duty is to embrace it.
The complex nature of decision which that must be taken in today’s industrial set up business and government policies often makes the use of computer mandatory of effectiveness is desired.
The use of computer makes possible the compression of large volumes of data (such as are found in many industrial business and government establishment like (NEPA) into a small storage space.
In storage and retrieval of information are speeded up and can be dated as need arises with the use of computer.
Where records are not speeded and update when due, the information content gradually and becomes obsolete than management decisions would be sub-optional and in effective due to lack of valid data on which to base them.
Similarly, if data on past researched developments effort are computer based and readily available, scientists and engineering would case to waste useful efforts and scare research forms trying to reinvent what unknown to them has already been invented by others.
Available resources can then be concentrated on areas where they are bottle necks to break. In many profession such as law and medicine there is order to deal with the present situation such case studies and references are greatly facilitated when the operational data is computer based.
There are a host of other similar samples. It is not wonder therefore, that managers planners, administrators, security, businessmen and industrialists now feel an urgent need for computers in their respective organizations.
We know that one of the perennial problem confronting both the public and private sector in developing countries is that of absenteeism and low productivity of the work force often. This is imposed by external factors such as the poor and time consuming service obtain able at such vital establishments as banks, post offices and other places where people spent nearly the full working day just to collect money from their bank account are not common, this is the price to pay when such essential services are not computerized.
Absenteeism is very costly to employers of labour, beside imposing a bad pubic image on the absenteeism causes money to be spent on work not done.
Whenever the defaulters are paid their wages and salaries a sizeable amount of that money is actually paid for work not done for the enterprise.
Computerization can remove this wastage guarantee quick service at series point of vital importance to the public and improve productivity.
Such computerization effort often cost far less than the money it would same the general public revenue generation scheme.
Many people evade and some of the tax evaders also try to grab more than their shore of social amenities provided with tax payers money because of their social positions.
Deplorable through this is, many defaulters could not be apprehended owing to the lack of adequate information on taxable adult geared towards easy identification and tracing of evaders.
Computerization can ensure that taxable adult is automatically linked with all this or her taxable assets.
This include wages or salary income from business, fleets of vehicles, house, land rented out to others, market orals and every conceivable sources of income.
The same will be true for commercial enterprises would be traceable and can be made liable to payment. Lack of computerization in an internal revenue generation schedule amidst exploding population is at the moment costing several developing countries millions of naira annually.
Therefore, there is need for computerization especially in the area of management decision making that can cover cost volume, profit analysis, variance analysis and decision under uncertainty.
What of techniques including changing values of parameters subject to certain contracts. It is more convenient to use computer to do recalculations than not, but the emphasis is more on the understanding of the techniques.
The need to understanding an integrated manner complex business making an how it affect and is in trun affected by the market. For instance, how much money should be spent on advertising product plants and machinery, personnel research and development how much money should be spent on advertising one each period of time.
How much that should be borrowed from banks because of the difficulty in controlling the environment. The studies are normally carried out through management decision and business games using singolical models of the economy.
Obviously a computer is needed in order to achieved fast response.
Services offered to customers range from the mostly common ones withdrawn and deposit of money to less frequent ones of loan approval and repayment and foreign exchange transactions.
For each of these transactions, computers can be employed in maintaining the records, this is more of a benefit to NEPA, banks, NITEL than customers.
That of the benefit to customers concern mainly accuracy in balances and saving time at the counter.
Accuracy can be achieved of the computer is used for aspect of transaction which range from verification at balances and signatures to payment or receipts the money.
Computer do work under their own control, with little or less of operators interventions and therefore can reduce more error from work.
The ability to work under it’s own control ensures that a computer can execute those operations that are in logical series.
Step by step and most routine/clerical work can be reduced to logical sequence.
The National Electrical Power Authority as a public utility is a vast organisation dealing with several banks and financers.
It operation in many areas can be reduced to routine and all such routine process can be reduced and can be handled by the computer.
Let’s us take our country for instance, here we find out that Nigerians are becoming more computer conscious by realizing the benefits it offers.
According to Adekunle Ajogbaje: Comptuer is latest in Nigeria today and will continues to be relevant as the country develop.
It has also gained acceptance in all sectors of the economy, education, health labour and various other. It is gaining popularity and this will even increase with time.
Ben Osisioma said: Nigerians amling economy many be said to be on the way to quick recovery of the present tampon of electronic data processing and office equipment remains.
The increase demand for instant data have resulted in the invention of electronic computer system for processing words.
Due to computer increase chance in business methods with result achieved, it is now used cross all areas of human endeavors from the simplest chores to the most complex and complicated operations like:-
Keeping of records of financial transactions, the adaptation of computer to specialist jobs has made their per much more easier.
A computer expert: Mitchell Wardropones: Computer are young, renascent and are made to finite and believe like their creators.
They are changing the world and they are doing mankind to improve them at your peril.
Statistics on computer in Nigeria started as early as 1960 when international business machine (IBM) and international computer limited (ICL) installed their brands at Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria to assist in teaching and research especially in area of mathematics, statistic and agriculture.
The major objectives of the study is to assess the computerized system against the old system in NEPA billing, we want to investigate whether:-
1. The computer has affected employment comparatively in term of phases.
2. The computer introduced has many or any way improved the operational efficiency of the authority with regards to end of the day performance billing errors in bills by NEPA, cash collections, according to services rendered to the consumer etc.
3. To know whether computerized system in NEPA will facilitate the speed and accuracy of processing transactions and reduce customers wasting time and doubts in their payment made.
4. To ascertain whether computer does not reject or correct input mistakes such as entering N2,000 instead of N4,0000.
5. To make recommendation on how to improve the efficiency of NEPA in Nigeria by using computerized system of operations.
Data processing is a managerial function aimed at improving the optional attainment of objectives. Computer is a means to an end and an end itself.
The need for computer in processing large masses of data is not in doubt at all what desires consideration are;-
a) Cost verse benefit
b) The extent to which computer should be applied
c) The availability of computerization up and down the line of management.
d) The acceptability of skilled computer personnel to work with computer.
In order to examine the efficiency of computerization in Nigeria National Electric Power Authority (NEPA).
The following have been formulated:
1. Ho: There has been an increase in the efficiency of NEPA
billing system.
Hi: There has been a decrease in the efficiency of NEPA
billion system.
2. Ho: Prompt and accurate billing system has contributed in the
revenue generation of NEPA.
Hi: Prompt and accurate billing system has not been contributing in the revenue generation of NEPA.
3. Ho: That fraud in the present computerized system is feasible.
Hi: That fraud in the present computerized system is not
4. Ho: That computerization has help NEPA to know the number
of points consumed by each customers.
Hi: With computerized system NEPA is unable to know the
number a point consumed by each customers.
5. Ho: Computerization has made it possible for NEPA to trace
defaulters in the payment of NEPA bills.
Hi: Computerization has not made it possible for NEPA to
trace defaulters in the payment of NEPA bills.
The study covered NEPA operation Head office Abuja. The period for which the study was carried is between 1993 – 2000.
The analysis of the work used only secondary data from the records of NEPA head office at Abuja.
The limitations of the study were inadequacy of statistical records at some branch office nationwide.
Data were lumped together such that it was difficult to use for research.
Limited time and finance also imposed some difficulties
on the research.
Computer is defined as a machine which extract data from input device performs arithmetic and logical operation in accordance with defined programme and finally transfer processed data to an output device either for further processing or in printed forms such as business documents, schedule or management control report.
D. C. Chukwu said ineffective computerization that:
It can be said to be an electronic gadget that with the aid of human guidance accurately speed up work aids management in decision making. Or
Computer is an electronic device which is capable of taking in information process it and produce it as an output which can be stored for record purpose. Or
Computer is an electronic device which works faster than ordinary human brain.
Although a computer has no brain of it’s own to reason like a human being, but has built in memories that enable it perform complex and faster than the human brain.
The Mercian Heritage Dictionary of the English language defines a computer as “a device that computes, especially an electronic machine that perform high speed mathematical or logical calculation or that assembles, store correlates or other wise processes and prints information derived from coded data in accordance with a predetermined programme.
These days most of the work of a computer is done by tiny solid state electronic components called chips.
It can handle millions of items of information, with great speed, accuracy and reliability. The information processing needs have in recent times, greatly the result of the increase in competition among business and of consequent need for faster and nor accurate information for decision making.
This however, have diminished the efficiency and effectiveness of conventional methods (manual and mechanical processing business information).
Title Page II
Certification III
Dedication IV
Acknowledgement V
Abstract VI
Table of contents
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Objective of the study 8
1.3 Statement of problems 10
1.4 Research hypothesis 11
1.5 Scoped and limitation of the study 12
1.6 Definition of terms computer 13
1.7 Notes and reference 15
2.1 Review of related literature 16
2.2 Erroneous notion of computerization cost to NEPA 21
2.3 Improper guidance and fear of failure o computer in NEPA 22
2.4 Computerizing with bare hands in NEAP 23
2.5 Absence of an adequate methodology in NEPA 25
2.6 Lack of high level sponsorship of computer in NEPA 27
2.7 Seeing computer as a threat to the management decision makers ion NEPA such as the accountant and Auditor. 28
2.8 History of computer and their business uses 31
2.9 National Electric Power Authority as business entity 35
2.10 Installing a computer based processing system for billing
in NEPA 38
2.11 The computer 40
2.12 Types of computer 42
2.13 Modes of processing 45
2.14 Historical prospectus of data processing 47
2.15 Conclusion 48
2.16 Notes and reference 51
3.1 Research design and methodology 53
3.2 Notes and reference 55
4.1 Data presentation analysis and findings 56
4.2 Sources of document the billings of NEPA 59
4.3 Test of hypothesis 63
5.1 Summary of major findings, recommendation and conclusion
5.2 Summary of major findings 82
5.3 Recommendations 85
5.4 Conclusion 91
5.5 Suggestion for future research 93
5.6 Notes and reference 94
A 150–300 word synopsis of the main objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions of the Computerization And Its Impact On Organisation Efficiency should be included in the abstract.
Every chapter, section, and subsection in the research work should be listed in the Table of Contents, including the page numbers that correspond to each one.
The background, research question or hypothesis, and objective or aim of the Computerization And Its Impact On Organisation Efficiency should all be presented in the introduction, which is the first section.
A survey of previously conducted research on Computerization And Its Impact On Organisation Efficiency should be included in the literature review, together with an overview of the main conclusions, a list of any gaps, and an introduction to the current study.
The conclusion part should address the implications of the study, provide an answer to the research question and summarize the key findings.
The reference of Computerization And Its Impact On Organisation Efficiency, which should be formatted following a particular citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago), is a list of all the sources cited in the title.
Other important sections of the Computerization And Its Impact On Organisation Efficiency should include the Title page, Dedication, Acknowledgments, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Appendices, Glossary, or Abbreviations List where applicable.