Comparative Study Of Leadership Effectiveness Between Public And Private Enterprises
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This research work is a comparison of leadership effectiveness between public and private enterprises based on some elected organization. Investigations shows that the success and failure of these organization mainly depends on how effective its leadership is, these research also points out the problem faced by these organizations and solution to it. In order to carry out an objective study questionnaire and interviews and personal observation were employed in the research, while table and percentages were used for the analysis. The view and work of work of other authors on this subtect matter was included in the form of second data the researcher found out that some of these problems faced by public enterprise which hampers leadership effectiveness are: communication gap between management and employees. Indifference to staff yearing, lack of material and less regard to land mark in private enterprises, the owner sees their business as profit oriented and therefore public enterprises are full of bottleneck bureaucrative personality and political influence which are not seen in private enterprises. Based on the findings, the ways to ensure effective leadership performamnce there should be avoidance of break down in communication gap between leader and subordinate there should be proper orientation and proper definition of roles and function, instructing leadership to qualified hands given free hand in the planning of both private and public enterprises.
Leadership is on integral part of management function. Its concept constitutes a very important aspect of group organization behavioral theory. Some theorists have that without oing organizational task will be difficult to contact by for instance, there has to be a person or supervise direct control and coordinate active ties involves as well as cooperative of workers. It is the effectiveness of the leade that will in most cases determine how or badly organization taxes are carried out although in same cases. Concept like incentives and motivation help to get worker committed to duty.
In other to have an effective leadership, an organization must first of all contain a group person, created by it self or derive from (haw” here influence rule and agreement govering the organization) in whom it rest “cooperate outhority, Akpan (1995: 108) leadership emerge from that group when first, an individuals is appointed roles in and for the organization as a whole in the public service. The paid officials, appointed or selected or paramount basis or temporary playing the role of administration and managers. It is those individuals of authority in the private sec tor as in the private sector. Leadership are made the ability to administere other people is a skill and art are usually acquired through sperience such as God presence or amiability, only became relevant when a person with opportunity lend know how to use them.
Leadership is therefor a personal guideline of surbordinates intended to achieve both organization goods and employee need. It is one of the seven major function of management along with organizing, planning controlling, decision making. Staffing and communicating
In the light of the forgoing, this research wo rk is set to carry out a comparative study of leadership effectiveness between selected public and private enterprises in Imo State with transport company (ITC) Imo State building and investment company (ISTBC) Okigwe const ruction company (OK2). Model limited Nigerian Bottling company (NBC), National electric power Authority (NEPA) Hardeladn Eric group company.
These enterprises provide one service or the other to the entire citizentry of the state. Some of these enterprises are also owned by the government who control and direct the day to day transaction decision making were being carried out by the government too. Individuals or group of person own the private enterprivate enterprises here. Decision making were carried out by the major shareholder of this firm.
In organization (private and public) many problems are rent resulting from leadership behavior. Such problem includes problem relating to job performance and job satisfaction, staff thrnover absenceteensm, staff welfare motivation etc. all these problems contribute greatly to the growth or collapse or organization. How ever, the lack of effectiveness of leadership in public and private organization has been attributed to two major factors Government interference. This is one of the reasons these research tends to highlight on mostly in public enterprise make them to remain effective.
Another major problem is to check spelling system in administration in acceptance of this view; the research work will at its various chapters compare critically the leadership effectiveness in some of the public and private enterprises in owner Imo State.
To determine to what extends, leadership effectiveness in public enterprises can be compared with that of private enterprises.
To ascertain the terms of result expected management and administrative leadership.
To measure the extents of interference by management and owners of enterprises in their respective organization and the star to which these interference affect the success of the organization.
To highlight critically the factors that affect leadership effectiveness
To identify the factors that influences the leadership role of a leader.
Is there no positive relationship between leader effectiveness and productivity?
That the bureaucratic bottleneck which stifles immediate responds or need does not predisposes the public enterprises to inefficiency in contrary to the private enterprises?
Does frequent or constant interference by government affect the success of their respective enterprise?
Is the leadership effectiveness in private enterprises not much easier to determine than public enterprises?
Leadership effectiveness is a good measure of organizational performance it evaluates the conditions under and the degree to which organization are attaining their various goals. This concept therefore provides useful indicators of the ability of an organization be it private or public to survive in the environment. Leadership ineffectiveness in both public and private enterprises has resulted in efficiency corruption nepotism, injustice. Craze for materialism, Laziness, and autocracy, bribery, dishonestly, lack of charity in goals deformation low motivation, favoritism, poor planning and tax implementation of programmes. From the forgoing, that significance of the research work includes.
1. To forget an improvement on the effectiveness and efficiency of the leadership system of administration in public and private enterprises
2. To offer to the selected public and private enterprise in Imo State, the opportunity of investigate the short coming in their version of the leadership system.
3. To help public and private enterprises in Imo State to adopt the best leadership method (procedure and style to enhance their effectiveness).
4. To recommend appropriate way be which government and owners of private enterprise can interfere in the day to day running of these enterprises.
This work is mean to cover Imo State as a whole but a view of the rate of development in Owerri the capital of the state was able to select a representative group from Owerri the option of surveying Owerri resulting from the fact that is only Owerri and its environment that one can find establishment employing a reasonable number of workers who can make useful contribution to this topic financial and time constants are the factors that make the researcher his survey and observation within Owerri proxirarity to available data also made the researcher to art for Owerri and its environs for this research.
The purpose of this study is to invoke effective leadership in private sectors. Leadership significant differences in noticed between public sectors and private sector conducted an employee survey in 12 excellent companies and explore the performance and enhance the effectiveness of the delivery of services to a belief that the public and private sectors did not have to be organized and once contracting between government and public enterprises exploring the alignment between public and private responsibilities, and defined by a low level of private enterprise and market oriented reform.
Leadership: This is art of inspiring sub-ordinates to perform their duties willingly, competently and enthusiastically.
Leader: A person clearly distinguished from in other in powers state visibility and in any of the character trials.
Management: Ability to manage lutilized and co-ordinate both human and material sources for the achievement of the organizational goals.
Administration: Means the co-ordinate of activities of the various functional in the organization.
Private Enterprise: These are company owned by individual, which are aim at making profit and as well as providing goods and services to the citizenry, which also help in developing countries economy.
Public Enterprises: All the statutory cooperation parastatals and extra ministerial organizations that were created by government to provide economic infrastructure and services for national development.
Leadership Effectiveness: This is defined of the success of the leader group in achieving it goals.
Production: Ability to produce within the set standard.
Organization: An association or society of people working together to achieve a set goals.
Employee: One point to work especially opens a regular rather then one casual basis.
Leadership style : A pattern of managerial behavioular designed to integrate personal and organizational interest and efforts in pursuit of some objectives.
Administrative sture: This referes to the departments organization and system of management committee in the organization.
Title page
Approval page
Table of content
Chapter one
Background of study
Statement of study
Purpose of study
Significant of the study
Scope of the study
Limitation of the study
Definitions of terms.
Chapter two
Literature review
Development of leadership for administrative purpose
The concept of leadership
Theories of leadership
Trait theory
Contingeny theory
Authoritarian style
Democratic or participative style
Louses fair style
Essence and qualities of a leader
Ability to make effective decision
Ability to communicate effectively
Ability to practice the act of human relation
Ability to motivabte subordinate
Factors that affect the performance of a leader
Forces in the leader
Forces in the subordinate
Forces in the situation
Results of peer leadership
Tardiness and absentecism
Suggestion and Grievance report
Strike and possible closure
Chapter three
Research design and methodology
Resear ch design
Sources/method of data collection
Population and sample size
Sample technique
Validity and reliability of measuring instrument
Method of data analysis
Chapter four
4.0 presentation and analysis of data
Presentation of data
Analysis of data
Chapter five
5.0 summary, conclusion and recommendation
Summary of finding
Conclusions recommendations
A 150–300 word synopsis of the main objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions of the Comparative Study Of Leadership Effectiveness Between Public And Private Enterprises should be included in the abstract.
Every chapter, section, and subsection in the research work should be listed in the Table of Contents, including the page numbers that correspond to each one.
The background, research question or hypothesis, and objective or aim of the Comparative Study Of Leadership Effectiveness Between Public And Private Enterprises should all be presented in the introduction, which is the first section.
A survey of previously conducted research on Comparative Study Of Leadership Effectiveness Between Public And Private Enterprises should be included in the literature review, together with an overview of the main conclusions, a list of any gaps, and an introduction to the current study.
The conclusion part should address the implications of the study, provide an answer to the research question and summarize the key findings.
The reference of Comparative Study Of Leadership Effectiveness Between Public And Private Enterprises, which should be formatted following a particular citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago), is a list of all the sources cited in the title.
Other important sections of the Comparative Study Of Leadership Effectiveness Between Public And Private Enterprises should include the Title page, Dedication, Acknowledgments, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Appendices, Glossary, or Abbreviations List where applicable.