Attitudes Of Nigerian Certificate In Education Would Be Teachers Towards Teaching Profession
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The topic of the study is attitudes of Nigeria certificate in education would be teachers towards teaching profession. A case study of Enugu College of Education, (Technical) Enugu. The design of the study was descriptive survey. The population of the study was students and lecturers in Enugu state college of Education (technical). The researcher randomly selected 200 respondents using simple random sampling technique for the study. The instrument used for the data collection was questionnaire and the date collected was analysed using mean. From the study, the researcher found out that there is significant different between the attitudes of NCE would be teachers in the rural and urban area. Among the factors that influence the attitude of would be NCE teachers towards teaching profession are poor working condition of teachers, poor school environment and attitude of pupils and community. The NCE would be teacher encounter some altitude that affect their academic pursuit during their first year experience. The researcher recommended that government should motivate NCE would be teachers. Adequate school facilities and good teaching and learning environment should be provided.
1.1 Background Of The Study
Attitude is a term that is loosinly used by many people without thinking about its meaning. Under this context, according to Obirija (2005), altitudes refer to one’s feeling towards person’s ideas, occupations, practices or facts. Normally, it is viewed as a feeling with emotional content because each individuals is disposed to feel believe or act in any way he likes in favour or defavour of certain ideas of facts. It has been observed that altitudes are developed in several ways. Some individual develop their altitudes by imitating other people either consciously or unconsciously. Ajeme (2006) states that people acquire the altitudes of those with whom they associate. People develop altitudes by identifying with a model and attempting to copy the behaviour of the model. Further more people develop altitudes from emotional experiences and as a result of information gathered. Similarly a would –be-teacher’s altitudes towards teaching profession are as a result of information gathered about teaching profession.
Nigeria certificate in Education (NCE) is the certificate given to anybody that passed through Enugu State College of education (Technical) (ESCET) Enugu or other college of Education in Nigeria is recognized as a professional teacher. Ejike c. (2005) states that NCE is the highest certificate a professional teacher can get to be recognized in the society as well trained teacher or professional teachers in Nigeria. Would – be teachers are those student – teachers who are in various teachers educational institutions. They also includes the beginners who are yet to have experience about teaching. Okafor (2006) pointed out that would – be teachers are the prospective, future teacher and those aiming to become or being trained as a teachers. Some would – be – teachers are not willing to become a teacher due to the negative in fluencies they think about teaching. Some will think is out of frustration that makes them to be in college of education. They will not be impressed when being addressed as a would – be teachers.
Teaching profession; Teaching is the idea of a particular person or group especially about politics, religion or society, that are being taught to other people, in order words teaching is a systematic process of transmitting knowledge, altitudes and skills in accordance with professional principles. Cage (1999:4) observes that teaching is any interpersonal influence aimed at changing the ways in which other people are behaving. Thompson (2000:3) observes that teaching identifies with communication which involves the transmission of information from senders to receivers and from receivers to senders.Obirija (2008) states that teaching is the act of impacting knowledge to others through formulated principals or methods of teaching. Okafor (2005) the concept profession is a constituted and recognized occupation which a prescribed critarians or qualification is required before one could be admitted. Teaching profession is an occupation, which focuses on teaching and has been constitutional recognized. According to Ericson and seefield (2003),”the financial remuneration alone will not be enough in determining the factor”, They states that a true teacher that is found in teaching field as, chance to use initiative, making human contact, variety in work and opportunity for outside contact.generally,would – be – teachers are concerned over the question of the scope and limitative of their future opportunities for service. Based on at above background of the study is being carried out to investigate the altitudes of Nigeria certificate in Education, would – be – teachers towards teaching profession. There are two variables in this background of the study, depedent and independent variables. Dependent variables is teaching profession because teaching profession is what we are talking about, because without teaching profession no one can be thinking to become a would – be – teachers; would – be – teachers is independent variable because no one can be talking about the altitudes of the Nigeria Certificate in Education would – be – teachers without thinking about teaching profession. No body will like to go in any fields of study without thinking about being profession in that particular field.
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
Few years ago, the number of teachers leaving the teaching profession was an issue of real concern to teachers, educators and supervisory personnel of the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Education. From observations made, those who left the profession were those who had taught from one to five years.
One explanation given for this, phenomenon was, that the beginning teachers were discouraged with teaching as a result of their inability to cope with the problems they encountered during their first year of teaching experience. Consequently the would – be – teachers leave the teaching field to seek employment or changed their teaching career to another field of study. According to Okafor (1999) teaching may either be positive or negative. Those who teach well and whose character accommodates the individual differences along are the positive teachers. Those who do not teach well and who do not adjust their characters to carry the students with their individual differences along are the negative teachers. Both types of teachers are common in the society. The problem here is, which of the two are likely to enhance higher learning performance. In this study the problems encountered by would – be – teachers of Enugu state college of education teaching as they proceed through their initial year of teaching practice, has generated great worries and change of mind against teaching profession. And it is not everybody that goes to college of education will like to become a teacher.
1.3 Objectives Of The Study
The objective of this study is to find out the altitudes of Nigeria Certificate in Education would – be – teachers towards teaching profession in Enugu state college of education,(technical).The study will specifically determine the following objectives:
i. The negative altitude would – be – teachers have is the fear of going to teaching practice.
ii. The positive altitude would – be – teachers creates, is the fact that they are the people that impact knowledge to student.
iii. In what ways do the would – be teachers altitude influence their academic performances.
iv. What are the altitudes of Nigeria Certificate in Education teachers in rural areas.
1.5 Significance Of The Study
This study will be of great benefits to students, teachers, teachers and school managements, general public, parents and further researchers, The findings and recommendations will clear some of the misconceptions people have against teaching profession.
(1) This study will enable the would – be – teachers to be courageous in making teaching their profession.
(2) The student teachers will from this study solve the problems they encounter in their initial stage of teaching experience.
(3) The study will be a guide for teachers and school management to address the problems encountered by practicing student teachers.
(4) This study helps the general public to cure their negative minds towards teaching profession.
(5) Parents will from this study motivate their children, student teachers to change their negative altitudes towards teaching profession.
(6) Further researchers will find this context of this study very useful in doing research work on this topic.
1.6 Scope of the Study
The study of this study is Enugu State College of Education (Technical) Enugu. It also focuses on the altitudes of Nigeria Certificate in Education would – be – teachers towards teaching professions. It also point out to those students teachers who are about to graduate from college of Education to have strong mind to become a teacher and stop having negative mind.
1.7 Research Questions
The following research question will guide the researcher in this study.
1. What are the altitudes of Nigerian Certificate in Education (NCE) would – be – teachers in the rural areas?
2. What are the altitudes do would – be – teachers encountered during them first year of their teaching experience?
3. In what ways do the would – be – teachers altitudes influence their academic pursuit in the urban areas?
4. What are the negative altitudes, the would – be – teachers have, during the period of their teaching practice?
Title page i
Approval page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Table of contents v
Abstract vii
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 5
1.3 Objective of the study 6
1.4 Significance of the study 8
1.5 Scope of the study 9
1.6 Research questions 9
2.1 Altitudes of the world-be-NCE teachers
in rural areas. 10
2.2 Altitudes of would-be-teachers encountered
in their first year of teaching experience. 14
2.3 Ways that attitudes of would-be-N.C.E teachers
influence their academic pursuit. 20
2.4 Summary of the literature review 22
3.1 Research Design 25
3.2 Area of the study 25
3.3 Population of the study 26
3.4 Sample and sampling technique 26
3.5 Instrument used for data collection 26
3.6 Validity and reliability of the instruments 26
3.7 Method of data collection 27
3.8 Method of data analysis 28
3.9 Decision Rule 28
Presentation for data analysis 29
5.1 Discussion of findings 35
5.2 Educational implications of the study 39
5.3 Limitations of the study 40
5.4 Conclusion 41
5.5 Recommendation of the study 42
5.6 Suggestions for further study 42
A 150–300 word synopsis of the main objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions of the Attitudes Of Nigerian Certificate In Education Would Be Teachers Towards Teaching Profession should be included in the abstract.
Every chapter, section, and subsection in the research work should be listed in the Table of Contents, including the page numbers that correspond to each one.
The background, research question or hypothesis, and objective or aim of the Attitudes Of Nigerian Certificate In Education Would Be Teachers Towards Teaching Profession should all be presented in the introduction, which is the first section.
A survey of previously conducted research on Attitudes Of Nigerian Certificate In Education Would Be Teachers Towards Teaching Profession should be included in the literature review, together with an overview of the main conclusions, a list of any gaps, and an introduction to the current study.
The conclusion part should address the implications of the study, provide an answer to the research question and summarize the key findings.
The reference of Attitudes Of Nigerian Certificate In Education Would Be Teachers Towards Teaching Profession, which should be formatted following a particular citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago), is a list of all the sources cited in the title.
Other important sections of the Attitudes Of Nigerian Certificate In Education Would Be Teachers Towards Teaching Profession should include the Title page, Dedication, Acknowledgments, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Appendices, Glossary, or Abbreviations List where applicable.