Woman Participation In Nigeria A Critical Evaluation On Obasanjo Administration

5 Chapters
55 Pages
7,052 Words

Emphasis on affects of privatization and commercialization of government owned industries in developing Economy. (A case study of Nitel Enugu) in order to emulate a concrete result the researcher constricted questionnaire. At the end of the work the research result in identifying some effects emanating from privatization and commercialization and among them are
Increase in employment due to GSM
Increase in productivity an efficient.
Reduction in government expenditure.
Increase in profitability
Based on the findings male, recommendation, were made by the research while in her view would help to improve privatization and commercialization in this economy. It should also be noted that the recommendations were made in solution, which were based on the response chosen by the respondent.

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Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Content

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 General Background
1.2 Statement Of Problem
1.3 Objective Of The Study
1.4 Scope Of The Study
1.5 Significant Of The Study
1.6 Scope Of The Study


Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Conceptual Approach On Nitel Development
2.2 The Concepts Of Commercialization And Privatization
2.3 Meaning And Distinction Between PrivatizationAnd Commercialization
2.4 Methods Of Privatization And Commercialization
2.5 Types Of Commercialization
2.6 The Gains And Utilization Of Privatization Proceed
2.7 Objective Of Privatization And Commercialization
2.8 Benefits Of Privatization And Commercialization
2.9 Limitation Of Privatization And Commercialization

Chapter Three
3.0 Methodology

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Area Of The Study
3.3 Population Of The Study
3.4 Sample And Sampling Technique
3.5 Instrument For Data Collection
3.6 Validation Of The Instrument
3.7 Reliability Of The Instrument
3.8 Method Of Data Collection
3.9 Method Of Data Analysis

Chapter Four
4.0 Data Presentation And Results

Chapter Five
5.0 Discussion, Implication And Recommendation

5.1 Conclusions
5.2 Implication Of The Research Finding
5.3 Recommendation
5.4 Suggestion For Further Research
5.5 Limitation Of The Study

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