Use Of Instructional Material And Its Effects On The Academics Achievement Of The Students

(A Case Study Of Enugu State College Of Education Technical)

5 Chapters
71 Pages
9,734 Words

This study determined the use of instructional materials and the effects on students academic achievement, a case study of Enugu State College of Education (Technical). The use of instructional material cannot be ignore in our educational programs. It is the major instrument used in impacting knowledge in our students. Instructional materials deals with the use of educational aids in teaching e.g. pictures, charts, televisions, radios e.t.c. it helps to make learning more meaningful for children, to enhance teaching and learning and improve the competence of teachers. It is necessary for us to know why and how teaching materials are used and the effects in students’ academic achievement which is:- To find out how often teachers used teaching aids in the class without finding problems in teaching at Enugu State College of education (technical).To find out whether students taught with instructional materials, achieve better in exams than those taught without instructional materials. To find out whether teaching aids helps the teacher to achieve more objectives in less time. This involve oral interview which will be used to ascertain the extent with which teaching aids are used in teaching different subject in (ESCET). The Head of Departments, Lecturers and students are the respondents. The researchers find out that 100% of the students are in support of the use of instructional material in teaching. The data collected were assembled and the results obtained were converted into percentage. The finder of this study indicates that:- Teachers do not often use teaching aids in the class. This instructional material helps the teachers to achieve all the lesson objective. Greater percentage of the respondents shows that students performs better in teachers made text or exam than when taught without instructional materials. While in this topic we believe that what I hear I may forget but what I see, I may remember.

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Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Content

Background of the Study
Statement of the Problem
Purpose of the Study
Significance of the Study
Research Question
Limitation of the Study

Instructional materials clearly play a central role
in the instructional process
Review of Related Literature

Research Method
Research Design
Area of the Study
Population of the Study
Instrument for Data Collection
Method of Data Collection
Reliability of the instrument
Method of Data Analysis

Presentation and Analysis of Data
Research Question

Re-Statement of problem
Summary of the procedure used in the fining
Major findings of the Study
Implication of the Study
Question for the Research (used)

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