Use Of Composite Flour Blends For Biscuit Making Peanut Cassava Flour

5 Chapters
116 Pages
15,120 Words

Digestive and gingerroot biscuits were produced from composite flour blends – cassava flour, peanut butter, wheat flour and ginger flavour in different ratio mix digestive biscuit – (50 : 50; 10 : 30 : 60 and 10 : 90 ), Ginger biscuit (10 : 25 : 60 : 5, 10 : 85 and 50 : 45 : 5) respectively. Creaming method was used in the production of biscuits with the specified ingredients. Proximate analysis of the products were also determined; moisture content (1.5 – 4.5%), protein content (0.5 – 1.8%), fat content (14 – 1%), protein content (17.50 – 23.9%) and carbohydrate content (51. 51 – 60. 20%). Cyanide content of the cassava flour was also determined using the method of FAO (1984) and was shown to have no toxicity effect: 14. 85mg/g against 150mg/g, lethal dose.
The protein content of the peanut enriched biscuits were observed to be high while product C ranked best in terms of mean score using seven points hedonic scale; eight being the highest and two the lowest.

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Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Contents

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Statement Of Problem
1.2 Objectives Of The Study

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Cassava Origin
2.2 Nutritive Value
2.3 Chemical Composition
2.4 Limitations Of Cassava
2.5 Peanut Original
2.6 Chemical Composition
2.7 Nutritive Value
2.8 Limitations Of Peanut
2.9 Biscuits
2.9.1 Flours For Biscuit Production
2.9.2 Type Of Biscuit And Their
2.9.3 Nutritive Value Of Biscuit

Chapter Three
3.0 Materials And Methods

3.1 Source Of Raw Material
3.2 Method Of Processing Cassava Into Flour
3.3 Method Of Processing Peanut Into Peanut Butter
3.4 Proximate Analysis Of The Flours And Products
3.5 Manufacture Of Biscuit Using Different Ratio Mix
3.6 Sensory Evaluation
3.7 Determination Of Cyanide Content Of Cassava

Chapter Four
4.0 Results / Discussion

4.1 Results
4.2 Discussions

Chapter Five
5.0 Conclusion And Recommendation


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