Unemployment And Co-Operative Societies

(A Case Study Of Enugu East Local Government Area)

5 Chapters
44 Pages
4,682 Words

In reality, during the course of research report, there are some obvious points when remembered do help to understand what the project work is all about.
First of all, a critical look is taken to know and find the invaluable role of National Directorate of Employment in combating the danger of unemployment as specified in its four programmes such as National Youth Emloyment and Vocational Skill Development Programmes, Agricultural sector Employment and Special public work programme. Federal Government agencies contributions cannot be left mentioned such as NAPEP, ITF, etc.
In a similar way, the practical solution towards solving the scourge of incessant unemployment and under employment since and after the discovery of crude oil in Nigeria and alternative solutions of not depending wholly on oil such as second-tier foreign Exchange Market. It only promote diversified economy as a way of reducing unemployment problems which have eaten deep the fabric of our economy.
Meanwhile, the design and methodology adopted is clearly explained. For instance, the population and sample size used, the use of primary and secondary data and the method of analysis, to mention but a few.
On the other hand, the descriptive statistical tool used is percentage and tabulation method and analysis adopted makes the research to be understandable and dependable. In fact, the presentation and analysis of data is an eloquent testimony of practicable work.
Then, federal Government and non-governmental organization should join hands together to ensure that the compounding problems of unemployment in co-operative societies should be squarely tackled. Entrepreneurial training and development should be incurred in all our educational curriculum, right from the primary to the tertiary institutions, to discourage the over dependent of government paid employment but rather become innovative and creative.

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Cover Page
Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Contents
List Of Tables


Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
1.4 Scope Of The Study
1.5 Significance Of The Study
1.6 Research Questions
1.7 Limitations Of The Study

Chapter Two
2.0 Review Of Related Literature

2.1 The Definition And Scope Of Unemployment
2.2 Types And Causes Of Unemployment
2.3 The Impact Of Economic Sector On Unemployment

Chapter Three
3.0 Research Design And Methodology

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Area Of The Study
3.3 Population Of The Study
3.4 Sample And Sampling Procedure
3.5 Method Of Data Collection
3.6 Method Of Data Analysis

Chapter Four
4.1 Data Presentation And Analysis

4.2 Testing Of Research Questions

Chapter Five
5.0 Discussions, Recommendations And Conclusion

5.1 Discussion Of Results
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusions

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