Study Of The Effects Of Stress On Secretary’s Job Performance

(A Case Study Of Some Selected Financial Institution In Enugu Metropolis)

5 Chapters
80 Pages
10,010 Words

Stress is assuming a position as number one killer disease in the modern society. Based on this, the purpose of this work was to find out the effect of stress in the secretary’s job performance what factors caused this stress and hold their effects were manifested and how they could be controlled, literatures related to the topic written by various authors were reviewed. A questionnaire was taken up with which data were collected. The respondents were selected in some of the financial institutions in Enugu metropolis. Out of the seventy (70) copies of questionnaire distributed, fifty eight (58) were returned and twelve (12) were not returned. The researchers from the data analyzed round out those secretaries faced a lot of stressful situations in their job performance. The three most significant stressors identified were lack of sufficient working materials and equipments strenuous human relation in the work place and mentally sound personnel qualifications of secretaries and conclusion was drawn based on hole stress affects secretaries in their work place, recommendations however were made that they should be given adequate training, proper counseling and as well proper incentives which will go a long way in helping reduce the stressful situation in the secretary’s job performance.

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Title page i
Approval page ii
Certification iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Table of content vi
List of tables vii
Abstract viii

Background of the study 1
Statement of the problem 3
The purpose of the study 4
Significance of the study 5
Research questions 7
Delimitation of the study 8
Limitations of the study 8

What is Stress 11
Types of Stress 14
Organizational stress 14
Individual stress 19
Relationship between individual and organizational stress22
Causes of stress 24
Effect of stress 36
Summary of the literature review 37

Research design 39
Area of study 40
Population of the study 40
Sample and sampling technique 41
Instrument for data collection 41
Variability of the research instrument 42
Reliability of the research instrument 42
Method of data collection 43
Method of data analysis 43

Research question one 44
Research question two 45
Research question three 46
Research question four 46
Summary of findings 55

Discussion of findings 58
Conclusions 59
Implications of the results 62
Recommendations for further study 63
References 66
Appendix 68

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