Study Of Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Nursing Mothers

(A Case Study Of Selected Nursing Mothers In Enugu State College Of Education Technical)

5 Chapters
69 Pages
10,512 Words

This study centers on the study of exclusive breastfeeding among nursing mothers (A case study of the nursing mothers, in Enugu State College of Education Technical). The basic identified problem is that in spite of the importance of exclusive breast feeding, some nursing mothers are yet to adopt it. Therefore, the objective of this study is to find out the extent to which nursing mothers breastfeed their young ones and to propel those who finds it difficult to breastfeed constantly, for them to be able to continue pronto to exclusive breastfeeding. Consequently, questionnaire were designed and administered while simple percentage (%) was adopted as instrument for analysis. Moreover, the research design of this is descriptive survey research, I used sample size of 11o and the sample selected for the study is fifty (50) while simple sampling technique is used. Finally, the health sectors should employ health practitioners to sensitize nursing mothers more on the effects of exclusive breastfeeding.




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Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.1 Introduction
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Significance of the study
1.5 Scope of study
1.6 Research Question

Literature Review
2.1 Review of related literature
2.2 Study of exclusive breastfeeding adoption
2.3 Empirical studies on exclusive breastfeeding
2.4 Summary of literature review.

3.1 Research Design and Methodology
3.2 Areas of study
3.3 Population for the study
3.4 Sample and sampling technique
3.5 Instrument for Data collection
3.6 Validity of instrument
3.7 Reliability of instrument
3.8 Method of data analysis

4.1 Presentation of data and analysis

5.1 Summary of findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendation
Appendix I – Letter of Introduction
Appendix II Questionnaires




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