Stock Control As A Management Tools For Efficient And Effective Stores Operation

5 Chapters
66 Pages
7,642 Words

Stock control had been a neglected function in an organization due to the fact that most organization both public and private sectors lacks the professionals in the field who are capable of carrying out a good stock system. This work titled ‘’stock control as a management tools for effective and efficient store operation’’ shows that ineffective stock control system has a lot of on the profitability of the organization.
The major aim here is to ensure a continuous and uninterrupted flow of materials in an organization. In order to achieve this, this work was divided into five chapters. The first chapter has the introduction part of the work follow by the statement of problem, objective of the study, the scope,
and significance, limitation of the study and terms of definition. The chapter two talks about the review from contemporary literatures which encompasses the need for stock control, reasons for holding stock, factors affecting the level of stock held, cost associated with stock control etc.chapter three, talk on the research methodology and design. chapter four talk on Data presentation and analysis. Chapter five comprises of the summary, conclusion and recommendation as well as the bibliography.

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Title pageI
Approval page II
Abstract V-VI
Table of content

1.0 General overview of the study1
1.1 Introduction1-4
1.2 Statement of the problem4-5
1.3 Objective of the study6-7
1.4 Scope of the study7
1.5 Significance of the study7-8
1.6 Limitation of the study9
1.7 Definition of the study9-10

Literature review
2.0 Introduction/Meaning of stock control11
2.1 Objective of stock control14-16
2.2 Reasons for holding stocks in an organization16-18
2.3 Factors affecting the level of stock held18-21
2.4 Stock control information source21-23
2.5 Cost associated with stock control23
2.5.1 Carrying cost24
2.5.2 Ordering cost24
2.5.3 Stock out cost 25
2.6 Effects of inefficient stock control25-26
2.7 Stock level policy and techniques26-28
2.7.1 Economic order quantity E.O.Q 28
2.7.2 Fixed order quantity29
2.7.3 Periodic review system29
2.8 Provisioning29-30
2.8.1 Method of provisioning30-31
2.8.2 Benefit of controlling stock31-33

3.0 Research methodology and design34
3.1 Introduction34
3.2 Research design34
3.3 Sources/methods of data collection34-36
3.4 Population and sample size36-37
3.6 Sample technique37
3.7 Validity reliability of measuring instruments37-38
3.8 method of data analysis38

4.0 presentation and analysis of data39
4.1 Introduction39
4.2 Data presentation39-43
4.3 Analysis of Data43-50

5.0 Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion51-52
5.1 Summary52
5.2 Conclusion53
5.3 Recommendation53-54
Appendix 56

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