Status And Impact Of The Secretary In The Labour Market

(A Case Study Of Some Selected Organizations In Enugu North Local Government Of Enugu State)

5 Chapters
75 Pages
9,756 Words

This study was centred on the status and impact of the secretary in the labour market. The study was carried out in three organization in Enugu North.
The result of the study would assist the management of the various organization in determining the worth of secretary in the business world.
In order to carry out the study successfully, certain hypotheses were formulated amongst which were secretaries are in great demand in the labour market compared with those of other professions, job specification can bring about a better appreciation of the role of the secretary in the establishment.
Two sets of questionnaires covering these hypotheses were drawn up and administered to a sample of secretaries and bosses from these organizations in Enugu North.
From the analyses of the data collected, some findings were mada. The most prominent of these findings were that secretaries are more in demand in the labour market them any other category of staff that the role of a secretary will be better appreciated if she performs well defined duties.
Based on the findings, a number of recommendations were made. These were:
That since the duties of secretaries are indispensable and demanding in all organization, efforts should be geared towards job satisfaction like realistic salary structure, automatic car and housing loan, and good working conditions so as to retain secretaries in the profession; that the duties of a secretary should be specify for a better result.

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Background of the study
Purpose of study
Statement of problem
Significance of study
Method of study and sources of data
Scope and Limitation of study

Review of Related Literature


Analysis and interpretation of data

Summary of findings, Conclusions and Recommendations


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