Role Of The Press In The Political Polarization Of The National Development

5 Chapters
102 Pages
12,272 Words

This study was designed to critically examine “the role of the press in Nigeria’s polarization and National Development”
The method of content analysis was adopted and also, three Nigerian daily newspaper were selected. This include, the New Nigeria Newspaper a federal Government owned newspaper published in Kaduna state,
The National concord and the champion, each being privately owned by differently individual (s) but published in Lagos.
Three publications were selected per week: Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays covering April, August and December between 1997 – 1993. Five years were analysed. These are 1981, 1984 1987, 1990 and 1993.
The result were then carefully analysed and interpreted. The analysis revealed that the Nigerian Press jettisoned the much-admired doctrine of fairness and impartiality and tend towards biasness and sycophancy.
At the end, it was recommended that in order to address the polarization of the press owners and operators of mass media, irrespective of their ethnic geographical and political difference must create an avenue where they could rub minds with one another so as to eradicate the misconception held against each other. And that the press and government relationship must improve hence seeing other as partners in progress.



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Title page
Approval page
Table of content

Introduction 1
1.1 Background of study 1
1.2 Research problem 4
1.3 Objective of the study 5
1.4 Significance of the study 5
1.5 Scope and limitation 6
1.6 Research questions 7
1.7 Hypothesis 7
1.8 Definition of terms 7

2.0 Literature review 10
2.1 Source 10
2.2 Theoretical frame work 12
2.3 Concept of mass media 14
2.4 The role of mass media 19
2.5 Concept of development 20
2.6 The post independent press 26
2.7 The Nigerian press and political influence ouring
second republic 1979 – 1983 31
2.8 Democratic political consent of
Nigerian press 1985 – 1993 32

3.0 Research methodology 34
3.1 population 35
3.2 Sampling 35
3.3 Data gathering method 36
3.4 Content analysis 36

4.0 Data analysis and interpretation 38
4.1 Discussions and interpretation 79

5.0 Summary, recommendation and conclusion 82
5.2 Recommendation 83
5.3 Conclusion 85
Appendix 30
Reference 92


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