Role Of The Press In A Democracy

5 Chapters
80 Pages
9,792 Words

The study deals with the analysis of the role of the Nigerian press in the democratic struggle in Nigeria. The research method used was the survey method, with the questionnaires and interview as the method for data collection. The study kicks off from the definition of democracy as the government of the people by the people and for the people, including brief definition of some features of democracy like popular sovereignty, popular consultation and periodical elections. Using constentical questionnaires given to eight (80) respondents, the study analyzer the press and its revolution and power a growth and development of the Nigerian press in democracy. Respondents are polled in four categories: Lectures layers politicians and general citizens . Analyses of their responses show that the press is essential for provide my owners for the participation of all members of the society in decision making. As a recommendation the press is urged to put up expensive and effective machinery to cover the nation as a whole and not just the cities and their aliclist inhabitants the press was also admonished to work towards national cohesion and to d this it should consciously purse the goal of getting Nigerian to think and reason as Nigerian rather than alongside the dividends of ethnicity the findings are
1. That the Nigeria press has so for performed its role of adducting and people on the need to make wise choice from competing alternatives during elections.
2. That the role of the press in promoting and entrenching sustainable and effective democracy is very essential.
3. That the Nigerian press has fearlessly and responsibly performed its roles of not only informing people to make wise choices, but also safeguarding.

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Title Page
Table Of Contents
List Of Tables And Figures

Chapter One:
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Statement Of Problem
1.2 Rationale And Purpose Of The Study
1.3 Significance Of The Study
1.4 Research Questions
1.5 Research Hypothesis
1.6 Definitions Of Terms
1.7 Limitation Of The Study

Chapter Two:
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Press Its Revolution And Power Growth And Development Of Nigeria Press Expected Roes Of Press In Democracy Philosophies Or Typologies Concept Of Freedom Of Press In Democracy

Chapter Three
3.0 Research Methodology Method

3.1 Sampling Procedure
3.2 Data Collection Instrument
3.3 Data Collection Method
3.4 Data Analysis

Chapter Four:
4.0 Data Analysis And Finding

Chapter Five:
5.0 Summary, Conclusion And Recommendation

5.1 Findings
5.2 Suggestion
5.3 Recommendation And

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