Role Of Purchasing In National Development

5 Chapters
36 Pages
7,833 Words

This project is on the, “Role of Purchasing in National Development”. They way purchasing societies use to train and educate their workers. The structure and achievements of PURCHASING IN NATIONAL DEVELOPMENT were studied and reported. The sources of funds to the purchasing were studied also. The way purchasing inspectors use to supervise and enlighten the management of purchasing and committees were also reported. And to carry out research functions and benefits of purchasing to the socio-economic growth of the society. It also studies about the problems, which make the purchasing societies not to do what the are supposed to do in a national development and also the way to solve their problems.

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Title Page
Table Of Contents

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
1.4 Significance Of The Study
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Objective Of The Study
1.7 Scope And Limitation Of The Study
1.8 Limitation Of The Study
1.9 Definition Of Terms

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Concept Of Economic Development
2.2 Purchasing And Economic Development
2.3 Historical Survey Of Purchasing In National Development
2.4 Achievement Of Purchasing In National Development
2.5 Structure Of Purchasing In National Development

Chapter Three
3.0 Research Design And Methodology

3.1 Sources Of Data
3.2 Population Of The Study
3.3 Sample Size
3.4 Sampling Techniques
3.5 Research Instruments Used
3.6 Questionnaire Administration And Reponses Rate
4.0 Presentation, Analysis And Interpretation Of Data

Chapter Four
4.1 Questionnaire Administration

4.3 Findings

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary Of Findings, Recommendations And Conclusion

5.1 Summary Of Findings
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations

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