Role Of Office Machines In Modern Business Organization

(A Case Study Of Anammco)

5 Chapters
79 Pages
10,639 Words

This research has been conducted for the purpose of assessing the role of office machines in modern business organization, A case study of ANAMMCO.
The research methodology, focuses on the instrument used for data collection which were mainly questionnaires and oral interview i.e. primary and secondary data respectively. Determination of sample size was possible through the help of stratified random sampling technique. The stratification was based on the ANAMMCO staff. The suitable research method used was the survey research and the design was randomised.
Under method of data analysis, tables and percentages were used in the presentation and analysis of the collected data. In the findings the following were discovered, that the people could have adequate training of the office machines.



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Title Page ii
Approval page iii
Dedication iv
Acknowledgement v
Abstract vi
Table of Contents vii

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of Study 1
1.2 Statement of Problems 3
1.3 Research Objectives 3
1.4 Statement of Hypothesis 4
1.5 Significance of the Study 4
1.6 Scope of the Study 5

2.0 Review of Literature 6
2.1 Office machines and its important to modern Business. 6
2.2 Needs; uses of and types of office machines. 7
2.3 Classification of office machines 10
2.4 Computers in business. 13
2.5 Importance of data recording 16
2.6 Data communication equipment communication 19

3.0 Research Methodology 36
3.1 Research Design 36
3.2 Sources of data 36
3.3 Interview 38
3.4 Area of the Study 39
3.5 Population of study
3.6 Sample and Sampling Procedure 39
3.7 Determination of sample size 40
3.8 Instrument for data Collection 41
3.9 Validity and reliability 41
3.10 Technique for Data Analysis 41

4.0 Data presentation and results summary of results findings. 42
4.1 Introduction 42
4.2 Testing For Hypothesis 53
4.3 Identification of the Test Statistics 54
4.4 Summary of Findings/ Results 59

5.0 Discussion, implication and recommendations 61
5.1 Discussion of Results 61
5.2 Conclusions 63
5.3 Recommendations 64
5.4 Limitation for each study 65



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