Role Of Nigeria Export Promotion Council In International Purchasing

(A Case Study Of Nigeria Export Promotion Council Aba-Abia State)

5 Chapters
81 Pages
12,737 Words

International purchasing is one of the major ways a country relates with other countries. It not only encourages or build relationship with these countries it builds the economy of a nation.
International purchasing is not an individual thing. It requires a nation to set up a committee or council to organize and monitor international purchasing.
This is why in Nigeria, the government established Nigerian export promotion council to be in charge of international purchasing.
They are charged with the responsibility of:
a. Promoting the development and diversification of Nigerian export trade.
b. Publishing and servicing trade enquires.
c. Organizing trade exhibitions to expose exporters in the international scenes.
d. Organizing forum to discuss and enlightens NEPC though they are charged with these responsibilities; they encounter some difficulties that make their work difficult, causing people to believe that they are not relevant.
Therefore, bearing this in mind, this research is aimed at proving that NEPC plays their role effectively and also relevant, and proffer solution that may help NEPC to improve the service it renders. This will make them play their role effectively and make them more relevant.

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Title Page
Certification / Approval Page

1.0 Introduction
1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Problem
1.3 Objectives Of The Study
1.4 Scope Of The Study
1.5 Research Questions
1.6 Research Hypothesis
1.7 Significance Of The Study
1.8 Limitation Of The Study
1.9 Definition Of Professional Terms

2.1 What Is Export Promotion Council
2.2 Roles Of Nigerian Export Promotion Council
2.3 Powers Of The Nigeria Export Promotion Council
2.4 Export Benefits And Risk
2.5 Factors To Consider In Entering Foreign Market
2.6 Problems Of The Export Sector And Impediments To Export Expansion
2.7 Reasons For International Purchasing
2.8 Problems Encountered In International Purchasing
2.9 Required Buyer Enterprise In International Purchasing

2.0 Research Methodology
3.1 Introduction
3.2 Research Design
3.3 The questionnaire design
3.4 Population/Sample design
3.5 Sources of data
3.6 Primary Source
3.7 Secondary Source
3.8 Data collection techniques
3.9 The Survey
3.10 Observation
3.11 Method of data analysis

4.1 Introduction
4.2 Data Presentation
4.3 Data Analysis
4.4 Testing Of Hypothesis
4.5 Decision Rule
4.6 Discussions On Major Findings On The Project

5.0 Summary, Recommendation And Conclusion
5.1 Summary
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion

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