Role Of Motivation And Job Satisfaction In Improving The Performance Of Organization

(A Case Study Of Anccor Foods And Packaging Nigeria Limited Enugu)

5 Chapters
74 Pages
10,575 Words

This research work was undertaken to examine how the employees of Anccor Foods and Packaging Ltd. More motivated and job satisfied. The concept of motivation and job satisfaction has to do with the total feeling involves in effect weighing the sum total influences in the job, the nature of job itself the pay, the promotion prospects the nature of supervision etc. when the sum of total influences gives rise to positive feeling that is motivation and it also lead to satisfaction.
In surveying the role of motivation and job satisfaction in improving the performance of organization, seven research question were asked to guide the induct of the study. In this research, collecting and analyzing data collected from the entire population of the main branch in Enugu studies the people. This population consists of managers, supervisors and clerks of the branch. Questionnaires was prepared and distributed the data collected were analyzed using the frequency table and percentage of responses.
Findings from the study showed that there is significant different in the level of performance between employees whose firms meet their physiological and psychological needs and those whose needs are not meet by their employers.
Also, there is significant different in the employees and those that use psychological needs it was deduced that there is relationship between high productivity and adequate. Inferred was also made that there is significant prospects for promotion and advancement. The recommendations made were that management should try to adhere to the guidelines stipulated with regards to promotion, management should endeavor to review upwards all employees allowances and it should constantly train its workers.

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Title page
Approval page
Table of content
List of table

1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 6
1.3 Purpose of the study 6
1.4 Scope of the study 6
1.5 Research question 8
1.6 Definition of terms 9

Review of Related Literature 10
2.1 Brief History of the Organization 11
2.2 Meaning of motivation 13
2.3 The nature of human needs 17
2.4 Leadership and job satisfaction 26
2.5 Money and job satisfaction 31
2.6 Summary 33

Research Methodology 36
3.1 Research Design 36
3.2 Scope of the study 41
3.3 Population of the study 41
3.4 Instrument for data collections 41
3.5 Method of data collection 42
3.6 Method of data analysis. 42

4.1 Data presentation and Analysis of data 47
4.2 Summary of results 52

Discussion, Recommendation and Conclusion 55
5.1 Education implication of the findings of the study 55
5.2 Recommendations 56
5.3 Implication of research findings 57
5.4 Suggestion for further research 59
5.5 Limitation of study 59
5.6 Conclusion 60
Bibliography 63
Appendix 1 65

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