Role Of Effective Leadership In The Achievement Of Organization

(A Case Study Of Institute Of Management And Technology Imt Enugu State)

5 Chapters
109 Pages
13,835 Words

The main purpose of this research study was to appraise the roles of effective leadership in the achievement of organization objectives, especially in the institute of management and technology, IMT Enugu, in Enugu state.
This research work was conducted in Enugu State. The area of study constitute the institute of management and technology personnel and union leader. To elicit reliable and accurate information, based on the above topic, a total number of two hundred and nine for the personnel and union leaders were used by the research to obtain reliable information based on the study.
The outcomes of the study revealed that the role of effective leadership have great impact in the achievement of organization objectives, that the institute of Management and Technology, have efficient and effective machinery to implement her planned programme for effective leadership roles and that the union leaders and personnel are satisfied with the roles of organization objectives.
The conclusions reached were that every organization should consider some internal and external factors before choosing the kind of leadership style and the effective leadership should be empowered and encouraged by the subordinates
Based on the findings and the conclusion, the following recommendation were made that organization should choose leaders that are goal and people oriented that a true democratic
Leadership style is recommended as the best leadership style for every organization that want to achieve her organization objectives.
Finally subordinates should encourage and support the efforts of effective leadership so as to achieve organization objectives.




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Title Page
Approval Page


1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Statement of the problem 4
1.3 Objective of the study 8
1.4 Objective question
1.5 Formulation of hypothesis 10
1.6 Significance of the study 12
1.7 Scope of the study 14
1.8 Limitation of the study 14
1.9 Definition of term 15
Reference 16

2.0 OVER VIEW 20
2.1 Definition of leadership 18
2.2 Types of leadership 22
2.3 Nature of leadership 31
2.4 Various approach to leadership 36
2.4.1 The trait approach to leadership 36
2.4.2 Situational approach to leadership 40
2.4.3 Fielders contingency approach to leadership 42
2.5 Leadership behaviour and styles 43
2.6 Environmental and systems, problems in leadership 60
2.7 Prospect 64
2.8 Reference 66

3.0 Research design 70
3.1 Area of study 71
3.4 Sample and sampling procedure 72
3.3 Instrument for data collection 73
3.4 Validation of the research instrument 74
3.5 Reliability of the research instrument 75
3.6 Method of administration of the research Instrument 75
3.7 Method of Data Analysis 76

4 DATA Presentation and Results 78
Summary of Result / Finding 104

Discussion Implication, Recommendation 109
5.1 Discussion Of Results 109
5.2 Conclusions 110
5.3 Implications Of The Result 110
5.4 Recommendation 113
5.5 Suggestions for Further Research 114
5.6 Limitation of the study 115

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