Public Relation A Tool For Conflict Resolution
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The origin of public relations dates back to the time when man started interacting with each other. It has been with us from the time we wake up in the morning we try to be good to each other by greeting our room- mates friends neighbors and colleges. We brush our teeth take our bath and put on rice clothe just to appear pleasing to other we do this not because there is any law or decree that makes it mandatory to do so but because we do not want our present to be repulsive or odious to others public relations is very important in modern life of man especially in business industries military and civil service. This is because the world is industrialization.
According to David ideal (1983) public relations is the study of principle philosophies theories attitudes and the ideas which govern human activities.. the public relation practitio0ner employs effective communications to build sustain and defend his organization’s reputation among both its internal and external publics he has the responsibility to recommend new communication strategies towards improving organization efficiency improving efficiency remains the key to successful public relations considerable credibility has been built for an organization that organization would have been presented . to the public as responsible corporate entity profitable business concern an efficient and credible player in the industry as well as a caring employer. Along the line public relation among other things helps to formulate polices and also in planning which involves working out operational qudelines and strategies for attainment of the objective. It also assist in the policy execution and evaluation of the activities so far carried out. Also it helps to determine how good the publics are the appropriates of strategies and how well the execution has been effected; no double it is regards as a management function. The united kingdom president of international association of business communication Vicki staveacre says in a book titled strategic communication that public relations actually contributes to bottom line. It supports the strategic objectives of the company relationship with internal and external public
as well as stacker holders. According to study conducted by the association public relations contribute to the bottomland by preventing the cost of conflict with by public in terms of strikes litigation and boycotts.
For public relations to achieve these ideas and goals for which an organization is established it must not be neglected adequate public relations planning and programming must be in line with that of the organization. This planning programming and implementation must be evaluated by measuring in terms of their parameter audience coverage response communication impact and process or influence. This is why cult lip Cortland center (1987) that the more likely are to hold consistent position on that issue the more a person is emotionally involved in his beliefs the harder argument. But people tend to see and cogent to their predisposition if is one of the basic principles of public relations that people are essentially rational by nature.
They respond to facts and want the truth and they will literately find and act upon it. But Lawrence N Notle (1978) cloistered that human beings are not responsible and rational. They are emotional they will be virtually opposed to a law and in favour of all buy its product or love its advertisement but refuse to buy the product advertised. But public relational knows how to get on with such situations. Relating to this frank E wash observes public relation as the planned effort to influence opinion through good character and responsible performance based on mutually two way communication two way communication in public relations means every groups segment with which the institution has relations.
Employees customers suppliers stock holders communication government and academic and this public must be able to communicate with the organization and be able to communicate with the organization and be heard. Anything short of this amounts to a mere shot in the Clark .bearing in mind the subject matter of our discussion soulseghently focus on both internal and external publics. This customers must be perfectly attended to in order to create a favorable opinion for the organization their complaints must be looked into with dispatch by the public relations department. Pat Bowman and Nigel E (1976) and noted that all complaint genuine or not must be acknowledged properly preferable that day they are received.
Therefore the customer are of immense importance to the public relations man and he should make constant effort to see that they are comfortable. In today’s interdependence society all institutions are vested with public responsibilities.
Today’s public opinion through it may appear as high as air may become tomorrows legislation for better for worse therefore a wise firm makes public relation not simply of a staff department but a management so that every major business decision is considered from the stand point of its public importance. Public relations is a management function of a continuing and planned character through which publics and private organizations and institutions seek to win and retain the understanding simply, simply and support of those with whom they are or may be concerned by evaluating public opinion about themselves in order to correlate as far as possible their own polices and procedures to achieve more efficient fulfillment of their common interest. When a company’s public image receives a high rating it translates to increase public confidence patronage good will higher profit growth peaceful and stable environment.
CUARLES t formbrum (1976) in his book reputation realizing value from cooperate image, puts it succinctly thus A reputation is invaluable because it informs us about what products to buy what companies to work for or what stocks to invest in against this background this particular study focussed on public relations as a tool for conflict resolution a case study of NITEL plc Enugu territorial office this study has become imperative in the high of the importance of the communications in this era of economic uncertainty and problem galore secondly by the recent development in the industry such as the permission of commercial carries to engage private sector in telecommunication business ie which participation will indirectly expose NITEL to some sort of competition. The level of development in the industry and the country in general coupled with the general misunderstanding of public relations call for a study like this
Nigeria telecommunications services started in 1886 established a wireless contact between Lagos which was then the administrative headquarters and London under the cable of wireless company this was followed by the establishment of telephone service in government offices in Logas. By 1928
The first service trunk has extended to the hinterland reaching Tlorin Jebbe and calabar future the service extended to the principal terms of the country reaching Kano by 1952
Telecommunication infrastructure was purposely developed into two paroled schemes. The internal services were developed by the government post and telecommunication (pandt) department while the external service were carried out by the enable and wireless company. This parallel scheme persisted up to 1984 even through after independence in 1960 government took over the cable and wireless operations Although a company known as the Nigeria external telecommunication (NET) a limited liability company. When NET was established in 196 it was jointly owned by government and cable wireless on equal basis. The second phase of the take over came in 1972 when the government acquired 100% of NET shares over the four development plan expenditure the set objective quiet ambition but actual implementation over this period was less impressive with effect from January 1985 government decided to make fundamental changes in the structure of the communication sector NET and telecommunication arm of (P and T) were joined to form what is now known as the Nigeria telecommunication limited (NITEL) while the postal unit still remains a government department called NIPOST responsible for postal service only NITEL was given the postal service only NITEL was given the responsibility of prodding integrated internal and external service autonomy as commercial organization to support itself without government subvention. The ownership however still 100% owned by government NITEL presently boast of functional offices in all the states of the federation which reports to their territorial offices reports to their territorial offices located in various area as the case may be while all the territorial offices reports to their corporate headquarters located at N0 2 BISSALI STREET OFF HERBERT MACACLART WAY ZONED WUSE ABUJA NIGERIA
The world in pursuit of general economic development started experiencing a progressive departure from government and state owned natural monopolies commercialized and privatized public of these melodramatic changes are emerging technologies which are re-defining the traditional methods of business practice and social integration.
In consonance with these burgeoning trends world-wide coupled with the focus on performance of parastatals and government owned enterprises as the raison deter for the defined technical committed on privatization and commercialization (TCPC) the Nigeria telecommunication limited (NITEL) eventually gained the status of fully commercialized but government owned entity in January 1992 with the subsequent sighing of the performance a germinate by NITEL limited in many 1992 the onus of securing and appropriating fund and the general management of human and material resources of the company fell on its shoulders . understanding therefore and in pursuance of the initiative towards the deregulation of its telecommunication sector. He federal government formally inaugurated the Nigeria communications commissions (NCC) on the 10th of July, 1993 to set standard regulative monitor and arbitrate on all activities in the eight areas open to private sector participation.
Public relations started in Nigeria around 1978 and was established by colonial administration. The man who spear headed this was harold cooper he was incharge of Logas Kaduna Enugu Ibadon offices.
He was first assigned to interpreted government policies to the people with the aim of carrying out public relations functions for the government. These offices served as hason offices. Burring world war 11 cooper and his counter parts dealt with programmes and problems of the war. Later on public relations was introduced into railway cooperation. At this time the service of eminent Nigeria journalist like eremite were sought for. After a while John stoker took over from cooper. He looked for the service of other veteran journalist like lijadu mobolaji. Between 1950 and 1960 major change like Nigeria Independence the discovery of oil shift from trading to industrialization occurred Big companies like UAC and shell BP were forced to start off public relation practice .
In 1959 this establishment brought awareness organization film shows and lectures, with popularity f public relations. In Nigeria in 1962 the public relations association of Nigeria was founded by late sam Epelle later on it became an affiliate of the British instituted of public relations with Chief Bob Okereke, Chief Abimbola, chief Bob Ogbuagu and Mr Ukpabi as pioneer members
Inspire of the fact that public relations is supposed to enhance the achievement of an organization goals many executives have mistake the forms of public relations are mere windows dressing ricious propaganda or lies unnecessary details and shallow gimmicks or just office expecting them to perform public relations wonders with their smiles and champs instead of realizing that planned public relations is more effective than five Alarm” public relation because planned public relations even plans ahead for crises or unexpected events very few people appreciate that public reactions is at the heart of modern day management. It is the management function which gives the same organized and careful attention to the assets of business done. Some of the public relation approach adopted in some organizations have not been effective. As a result theses methods public relation efforts fail and this effects the over all performance of the organization and its set objectives as a whole public relations can not different meaning to both professionals and non- professionals. It is played with misrepresentation even on the pages of news papers for instance in classified advert has this public relations officer required ability to ride motorcycle will be an advantage’’ one begin to gives what the company needed is a dispatch ride and not a public relations officer; Another has this attractive lady required a public relations officer who knows the undisclosed motives public relations is the same organization and careful attention to the asserts of good will as in gives to any other major asset of business. Therefore it becomes importer to undertake a study on public relations procedures and how it has adopted and used by NITEL to achieve its goals in the light of this the following form the statement of problem that this study intends to address
1 Does NITEL identify itself with social environment in which it operates
2 Has the achievement of NITEL objectives been hindered due to lack of planned and organized public relations
3 Which public relations tools has been most effective in reaching its public
4 In what ways have the used public relations in NITEL helped in achieving its goals.
The inability to achieve organizational set goals might not be unconnected with managers lack of vision to communicates effectively the goals or objective of the organization to the target public or it could be as a result of the in ability of the public to organization goals as regards the organization goals or objectives from management Be it as it may the purpose for which the organization is set up suffers the Nigeria telecommunication LTD (NITEL) is a federal government owned entity although fully commercialized and expected to provide integrated internal and external telephone services with its headquarters at Abuja. These are bound to be problems arising from information territorial office then to their substations NITEL as a business entity it is certain that problems or arises at times crop up and as such hinders operations which at times retard progress and as they are different individuals they have to deal with there are bound to be different individual who might in one way or the other have different opinion and ideal about NITEL the following therefore are the objectives of this study.
1. The study is aimed at finding out whether public relations is a tool for conflict resolution in NITEL ENUGU TERRITORIAL OFFICE IS TAKEN AS case study
2. It shall find out NITEL public relations focus and the gain from those focus.
3. To ascertain the level of public awareness as regards NITEL’S policies and programmes.
4. To find out which public relations method has been most effective in getting things done and why management adopt such method
5. To a certain whether public relations in NITEL is two-way i.e. if key public are able to communicate with NITEL.
In this period of problem galore era sequel the economic uncertainty many business out- lets are struggling to remain in business. Right from the time NITEL was given the responsibility of providing integrated internal and external service with autonomy as a commercial organization to support itself without government subversion.
NITEL have been graphing with a lot of problem ranging from the has undergone or order to remain in business considering the importance of telecommunication to the economy. NITEL cannot operate in the vacuum if it is to field the kind of benefits required. The survival of NITEL service inception has been a wonder worth documenting in the record of various changes that were aimed at enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the company to fulfilling its cooperate goals as well as development roles assigned to it by the federal government .
Therefore this study will help ascertain public relations in NITEL . it is worthy to note that business those day do not flourish by drums ordination unlike the authoritarian era to date it is a business of “how you make your bed so you lie on it” public relations is the heart of modern day business and for an organization to achieve its objectives it is imperative to create needed business atmosphere
Where information will flow to enable the better understanding of service rendered. This study will at the management of NITEL territorial office and NITEL in general because it is expected that suggestions made if taken an applied will enhance industrial peace interest and inter personal relationship between NITEL and its key public.
This study is also expected to assist management of other various institutions in making public relations a focus. Finally as an aspiring public relation practitioner this research based more on public relations will equally provide a basis conducted in the future. particular and
Tool anything used as a means of achieving an and
Conflict opposition between two simultaneous but a compatible wishes or impulses sometime leading to emotional tension.
a. Public relations has encouraged cordial’s relations between NITEL and its publics
b. It is a tool for conflict resolution
c. It has contributed and made it possible to educate the public on NITEL polices and programmes
d. That credibility building and earning a reputation for a company are predicated on effective communication with public
e. Through which median did you get to know you think telecommunication is imperative to development?
In relation to the survey and observation of pr activities the following hypothesis are used to accretion the validity and substantiation of facts
1. The NITEL relationship between its I publics is chortle .
Ho the NITEL relationship between its i publics will not improve if public relations is not used as a tool.
2. H2 NITEL will resolve conflict with in its public if he used public relations
H0 NITEL will not resolve conflict if it does not use public relations
H3 The public do not contribute to any conflates
H0 Both the internal and external public contribute a lot by causing conflicts
H4 That NITEL does not cause conflict
H0 That NITEL are the causes of conflict
H5 The NITEL consumers feel satisfied with the attitude of NITEL
H0 The public feel unsatisfied with the NITEL attitude towards them.
public: A section of a community grouped because of common interest of activity
good will An intangible asset of an enterprise reflecting its commercial reputation customers connections
NITEL Nigeria telecommunication limited
Management: The techniques practice or science of management or controlling business affairs
Organization: A business or administrative concern limited and constructor
The pr should monitor the activities of NITEL service rendered to the public the pr makes good use of radio TV newspaper and it public
We sesame that NITEL Enugu district educate and resolve conflicts through mass media.
Public relation issue wide area of study that indent study on it will be time consuming coupled with lack to money personal and other logistics.
Also NITEL with competition all around the management of the territorial office were reluctant as vivid useful information that regarded if not necessary as a policy such were treated as confidential coupled with other psychological constrains. We had to face the researcher cannot claim to have done a 100% job or have consulted or analyses the content of other works which were done by numerous researches in this field with all there constraints this study is therefore limited to NITEL Enugu territorial office.
Title page ii
Dedication iii
Acknowledgement iv
Proposal v
Table of content vii
Introduction 1
1.1 Background of study 6
1.2 Statement of research problem 10
1.3 Objective of the study 12
1.4 Significance of the study 14
1.5 Research question 16
1.6 Research hypothesis 16
1.7 Conceptual and operational definition 17
1.8 Assumptions 18
1.9 Limitations 18
Review of the literature 20
2.1 Sources of literature 28
2.2 Summary of literary review 30
Methodology 32
3.1 Research Method 32
3.2 Research design 32
3.3 Research sample 33
3.4 Measuring instrument 34
3.5 Data collection 35
3.6 Data analysis 35
3.7 Expected Result 35
Data analysis and result 36
Summary, Recommendation and Conclusion 46
5.1 Summary 46
5.2 Recommendation for further study 49
5.3 Suggestion for further study 52
5.4 Conclusion 53
References 55
Bibliography 58
A 150–300 word synopsis of the main objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions of the Public Relation A Tool For Conflict Resolution should be included in the abstract.
Every chapter, section, and subsection in the research work should be listed in the Table of Contents, including the page numbers that correspond to each one.
The background, research question or hypothesis, and objective or aim of the Public Relation A Tool For Conflict Resolution should all be presented in the introduction, which is the first section.
A survey of previously conducted research on Public Relation A Tool For Conflict Resolution should be included in the literature review, together with an overview of the main conclusions, a list of any gaps, and an introduction to the current study.
The conclusion part should address the implications of the study, provide an answer to the research question and summarize the key findings.
The reference of Public Relation A Tool For Conflict Resolution, which should be formatted following a particular citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago), is a list of all the sources cited in the title.
Other important sections of the Public Relation A Tool For Conflict Resolution should include the Title page, Dedication, Acknowledgments, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Appendices, Glossary, or Abbreviations List where applicable.