Production And Acceptability Studies Of Malted Sorghum Sorghum Bicolor Biscuit

5 Chapters
80 Pages
10,947 Words

Biscuit was produced from malted sorghum (Sorghum bicolor) and wheat flour blend. Sorghum grains were sorted, steeped in water, germinated and kilned. Four samples of biscuit were produced using sorghum and wheat in the following ratios samples A; 30: 70, sample B; 50:50, sample C; 60:40, sample D; 100:0. Creaming method was used in biscuit production with specified ingredients. Proximate analysis of the product (biscuit) was determinate viz. moisture content for sample A; 2.5%, B; 3% C; 3.5%, D; 2%, fat content for the sample A; 15%, B; 16%, C; 17%, D, 15.5%, Protein content for A; 8.52%, B; 8.7%, C; 8.79%, D; 8.35%, Ash content for sample A; 0.5%, B; 1.0%, C; 1.5%, D; 0.5% and Carbohydrate content for A; 73.48%, B; 71.24%, C; 69.21%, D; 73.65% respectively. the sensory evaluation of the samples were carried out using hedonic scale. from the result, there was no significant difference at 5% level and 1% level between the four samples in terms of colour crispiness, flavour, and overall acceptance, but when compared with 100% wheat, there was a slight difference in texture of biscuits with “sorghum and wheat”, but from the score mean, sample B gave the best result.

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Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Contents

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Objectives Of The Study

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Origin Of Sorghum
2.2 Sorghum Utilization
2.2.1 Production Of Malted Sorghum Flour
2.2.2 Malted Of Sorghum
2.2.3 Steeping
2.2.4 Germination
2.2.5 Kilning
2.3 Method Of Processing Wheat Into Flour For Biscuit Making
2.3.1 Wheat Flour Production
2.3.2 Effects Of Processing Of Nutritional Value Of Wheat Flour
2.3.3 Functional Processing Of Nutritional Value Of Wheat Flour
2.4.0 Ginger
2.4.1 The History Of Ginger
2.4.2 Ginger Cultivation
2.4.3 Spices And Other Oils
2.4.4 Ginger Processing
2.4.5 Uses Of Ginger
2.4.6 Nutritional Composition
2.5.0 Biscuit
2.5.1 Definition Of Biscuit
2.5.2 Classification Of Biscuits
2.5.3 Hard Dough Biscuits
2.5.4 Lean Hard Dough Biscuits
2.5.5 Medium Hard Dough Biscuits
2.5.6 Puff Hard Biscuits
2.5.7 Lean Batter Biscuits
2.5.8 Highly Enriched Biscuits
2.5.9 Proximate Composition Of Biscuits

Chapter Three
3.0 Materials And Method

3.1 Sources Of Raw Materials
3.2 Raw Materials For Baking
3.3 Equipment
3.4 Chemicals
3.5 Method For Processing Malted Sorghum
3.6 Biscuit Production
3.6.1 Proximate Analysis Of The Prepared Biscuits
3.6.2 Protein Determination
3.6.3 Fat Determination
3.6.4 Moisture Determination
3.6.5 Total Ash Determination
3.6.6 Carbohydrate Determination
3.6.7 Sensory Evaluation Of Prepared Samples

Chapter Four
4.0 Results And Discussions

4.1 Proximate Composition Of The Test Biscuits
4.2 Sensory Evaluation
4.3 Discussion

Chapter Five
5.0 Conclusion And Recommendation


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