Problem Of Compulsory Acquisition And Compensation Under The Land Use Act

(A Case Study Of Akure Airport)

5 Chapters
59 Pages
9,303 Words

The word land means different things to different people and in different context. These different meanings notwithstanding, land, since prehistoric time, has been of elemental significance to the affairs of man.
In this thesis the various interests compulsory acquired were looked into. The compensation paid for these interests were adequately examined to determine the adequacy of the compensation. In the payment of compensation, time factor was also considered to determine the effect of inflation on the amount payable, using interest rate as the parameter of measurement..
This study examined the evolution and formation of acquisition laws in Nigeria with a detailed examination of the public lands acquisition Act Cap – 167 and the Land Use Act of 1978 as its objective. Another objection of this study is to see whether the acquisition and compensation of Akure Airport actually conformed with the provision of the law.
The necessary data required for this study were collected through interview, relevant documents and records were examined in the ministry of lands and Housing Akure.
Finally, it was discovered that serving acquisition notice through the family head is adequately efficient and cost effective as against the4 provision of the Land Use Act. There was delay in payment of compensation. Also, no interest was paid for the delay in payment of compensation as provided for by the law.

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Title Page
Table Of Content

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Statement Of Problem
1.2 Aim And Objective
1.3 Significance Of Study
1.4 Research Methodology
1.5 Limitation And Scope Of Study

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Origin Of Compulsory Acquisition
2.2 The Public Lands Acquisition Act (Cap. 167), 1958
2.3 Compensation Under The Act
2.4 Basis For Compensation
2.5 Items For Compensation
2.6 The Land Tenure Law Of Northern Nigeria 1963
2.7 The Land Use Act Of 1978 (Decree No 6)
2.8 The Need For Compulsory Acquisition
2.9 Consequences Of Compulsory Acquisition

Chapter Three
3.0 Case Study Area

3.1 History And Description Of The Area
3.2 Ownership And Pattern Of Land Use In The Area
3.3 The Airport Site
3.4 Method / Procedure Of Acquisition Applied

Chapter Four
4.0 Data Presentation And Analysis

4.1 Sources Of Data
4.2 Method Of Data Collected
4.3 Description Of Statistics For Analysis Data

Chapter Five
5.0 Findings, Recommendation And Conclusion

5.1 Findings
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion

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