Principals Decision Making Strategies And Secondary School Teacher’s Effectiveness

(A Case Study Of Ijumu Local Government Area Kogi)

5 Chapters
30 Pages
7,225 Words

The leadership roles of the principal as the chief executive in the school isenormous. He plays a key role in the success and failure of the organisations. They study therefore investigated principal decision making strategies on teacher effectiveness in secondary schools specifically, the objectives of this study were to determined (i) examine who decision are made by the principals the secondary school level; (ii) asses t at decision making strategies on teacher effectiveness; (iii) What are the problems faced in decision making process in school? (iv) Assess the possible ways in which decision could be made in the secondary school.
The research was a descriptive type using the survey method. The study sample was drawn from 10 secondary schools in Ijumu Local Government Nigeria. The respondents were 100 students. 60 were males and 40 females 4 research questions and 2 hypotheses were formulated for the study. Mean and percentage score was used to answer research questions one to four and independent t-test to test research hypothesis one and two.
The finding of the study showed that:
i. The principals strategies of leadership on teachers effectiveness positively
ii. The principal has positive strategies on teacher’s effectiveness in secondary schools.
iii. The respondents are faced with driver’s problem in the school.
iv. There is no significant difference between male and female teacher’s decision making strategies and leadership problem.
The study recommends that teaching service commission should strict warning against principal who does not respect the dignity of teaching profession secondary school principal shouldalso endeavor to adopt appropriate strategies of leadership in order to carry along with the teachers.

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i. Title page
ii. Certification
iii. Dedication
iv. Acknowledgement
v. Abstract
vi. Table of contents

1.1 Background to the study
1.2 Statement of the problem
1.3 Purpose of the study
1.4 Research questions
1.5 Hypotheses
1.6 Significance of the study
1.7 Scope of the study
1.8 Operational definition of term

2.1 Concept of decision-making
2.2 Factors of decision-making
2.3 Principals Decision-making
2.4 Principals duties
2.5 Appraised of literature reviewed

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Population
3.3 Sample and sampling procedure
3.4 Instrumentation
3.5 Validity of the instrument
3.6 Reliability of the instrument
3.7 Procedure for data collection
3.8 Procedure for data analysis

4.1 Presentation and analysis of data
4.2 Hypotheses testing

5.1 Summary
5.2 Conclusion
5.3 Recommendations
5.4 Suggestions for the further research

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