Policy Formulation A Tool For Achieving Organizational Effectiveness

(A Case Study Of J.Udegbala Holding Nigeria Limited Aba)

5 Chapters
111 Pages
12,554 Words

The purpose of this study was to identify policy formulation as a tool for achieving organizational goals and effectiveness of an organization. It sought to investigate the different policies and how the employee react to them, i.e. whether they are consulted or not before policies are formulates, if yes, how they react to it when it is formulation, if no, why and how it is also affects them and their level of productivity in the organization towards reaching the company’s stipulated goals and objectives. Due to this research work, we have come to see that policy formulation is an important aspect and must be followed carefully to avoid the liquidation of an organization, so with all our findings in this study, employee feelings are to be considered, considering the fact that a conducive working atmosphere helps in increasing the level of productivity of a firm, so when the policy (ies) formulated affect the employee the firm is bond to fail or not to reach it’s attained goals and objectives. Employees should also respect the fact that every organization has it aims and objectives of being established and without discipline and qualities of management (monitoring, directing, coordinating planning etc.) an organization is also bond to fail and when all theses are let aside employee may become lazy and ineffective and efficient to work.


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Title Page
Approval Page
Table of Content

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background Of The Study 1
1.1.1 Profile Of The Company 3
1.2 Statement Of The Problem 7
1.3 Objective Of The Study 7
1.4 Research Of The Study 10
1.5 Significance Of The Study 11
1.6 Scope/limitation Of The Study 12
1.7 Definition Of Terms 13

Review of Related Literature 15
2.0 Introduction 15
2.1 Concept Of Policy 16
2.2 Types Of Policies 19
2.3 Characteristics Of A Sound Policy 23
2.4 Principles Of Policy Formulation 28
2.5 Procedures For Policy Formulation 32
2.6 Policy Formulation And Implementation 35
2.7 Reasons For Formulating Policies 42
2.8 Factors Influencing Policy Formulation and Implementation 44
2.9 Concept Of Organizational Effectiveness 47
2.10 Evaluation And Assessment Of Organizational Effectiveness 49
2.11 Policy Formulation And Organizational Effectiveness 51
2.12 Importance Of Policies For Management Effectiveness 53
2.13 Policy Decisions 56
2.14 Summary Of Literature Review 57

3.0 Methodology 61
3.1 Research Design 61
3.2 Source/Area Of study 62
3.4 Population And Sample Size 62
3.5 Sampling Techniques 63
3.6 Instrument Of Data Collection 66
3.7 Method Of Data Analysis 68

4.0 Presentation And Analysis Of Data 71
4.1 Data Presentation 71
4.2 Data Analysis 72
4.3 Discussion Of Findings 83
5.0 Summary, Conclusion And Recommendation 89
5.1 Restatement of the problem 89
5.2 Summary Of Findings 91
5.3 Conclusions 92
5.4 Recommendations 93
5.5 Suggestion For Furthers Studies 94
Reference 95
Appendix 98
Questionnaire 99


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