Physico Chemical And Organoleptic properties Of Flour And Fufu Processe From Cassave Verieties

5 Chapters
67 Pages
9,020 Words

This study was designed to evaluate the potentials of sweet cassava variety TMS 4(2) 1425being manihet palmata and bitter varieties TMS 30572, TMS 30555, and NR 8082 being Manihot utilisima Crantz flours used in the production of fufu,in carrying out the process the root was weighed before and after washing then peele, washed, sliced, fermentation, washing of the fermented mash and dried erther sundrying or oven drying.
The sensory evaluation were carried out when the products from 4 (2) 1425 was generally accepted by the panelists but the most parameters considered during evaluation were taste, colour, odour, mouth feel, texture. The proximate analysis of the analysis of the ash content, protein, moisture, carbohydrate, cyanide content was carried out. In order to conter on the fufu a long shelf- life, good consumer appeal and improved hygiene status (fliRo 1988) The granulation, drying and milling were considered as necessary operational extension to the mechanized process.

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Cover Page
Table Of Content
List Of Tables
List Of Figures

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

Chapter Two
2.0 Litrature Review

2.1.0 Cassava (Historical Ground)
2.1.1 Cassave (Botanical Nomendature)
2.1.2 Cassava (Production $ Trade)
2.1.3 Cassava Cultuatn
2.1.4 Climatic Conditions
2.1.5 Harvesting
2.1.6 Diseases And Pests
2.1.7 Varieties
2.1.8 Toxicity In Cassava
2.1.9 Deteriorating Of Cassava Roots
2.2.0 Storage Of Cassava Roots.
2.2.1 Use Of Cassava In The Human Diet
2.2.2 Main Constituents And Nutritional Value
2.2.3 Food Products From Whole Cassava Root
2.2.4 Fermented Cassava Products
2.2.5 Cassava Refuse Or Waste
2.2.6 Production Of Cassava Flour And Fufu Preparation By A Mechanical Process By Using The Above Flow Chart.

Chapter Three
3.1.0 Materials And Methods

3.2.0 Other Materials Used
3.2.1 Fufu Mash Preparation Ph
– Acidity
– Cyanide Content
– Moisture Content
– Fat Content Determination
– Sensory Evaluation
– Proximate.

Chapter Four
4.0 Results And Discussion.

Chapter Five
5.0 Conclusion And Recommendation


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