Nekede residential perception investments give you capital gain and will make you very rich over a period of time. You will be able to convert capital gain into cash flow by using various strategies. But this takes time and most investors do not have the patience to wait that long.

This project work is aimed at highlighting usefulness of Nekede residential perception investment as a tool of evaluating the performance of residential property for investment decision.
Chapter one (the introduction) will explain the meaning of Nekede residential perception investment , it will go further to state the purpose of the study, it significance, scope as well as definition of terms with respect of financial analysis.
Chapter two will deal with the literature review. Then the study of background of topic will be equally highlighted. Explanation of selected Nekede residential perception investment will also be shown.
Coming to chapter three, the techniques of collection of data and data analytical tool to be used will be described here. The techniques for collection of data will include the questionnaire sources. The data analytical tools to be used as percentage size analysis and chi-square.
Chapter four shows the analysis of the data collected.
Finally, in chapter five, the findings be made will be stated, followed by recommendation to ensure effective and efficient use of Nekede residential perception investment by users for residential property . Finally the conclusion will inform readers or users that usefulness or benefits of Nekede residential perception investment in evaluating performance of residential property cannot be over emphasized and that if neglected, the shareholders or investors will not know their position or fate in residential property .