National Effects Of Exchange Rate Changes On Foreign Debt Service

5 Chapters
67 Pages
7,628 Words

This Project is on the national effects of Exchange Rate changes on foreign debt services on Nigeria. It run over a time series of nine years and examines how fluctuations on exchange rate has made it difficult for the country’s debt services.
The method use in dreaming these affects is the ordinary least square method of regression Technique. The work shows critically the effects of exchange rate changes on debt services in Nigeria. Through the method used above, the reason for the increase in external debt over the years was discovered. Among them were fared imbalances, fund of Projects that are not feasible, fund of Projects that are not feasible et.
At the end, these factors were analyzed using the ordinary least square (OLS) regressing techniques whereby a linear model was formulated to analyze individual influences of exchange rate changes on some variables such as the debts service payment etc.
After these studies, the researcher recommends that a committee be set up to check excessive borrowings and ensure that borrowed funds are used for projects that initiated the borrowing only investments (project) that are capable of yielding more fund to the government should be pursed.
Also, the improve debt services in the country.
The amount of borrowing form outside country should be reduced and the government should learn to use its own resources i.e. borrow from wealthy individuals and private organs within the country.

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Title Page
Table of content

1.1 Background of the study
1.2 Statement of problem
1.3 Objective of the study
1.4 Research questions
1.5 Formulation of hypotheses
1.6 Scope band limitations of the study
1.7 Definition of terms

2.1 Literature review
2.2 Evolution of Nigeria’s exchange rate policy
2.3 Exchange rate regimes
2.4 Commerce of Nigeria’s external borrowing
2.5 Nigeria’s external debt servicing
2.6 Foreign debt management
2.7 Evidence

3.1 Research design
3.2 Source of data
3.3 Selection of variables
3.4 Estimation procedure
3.5 Methods for evaluation of results

4.1 Presentation of data
4.2 Data evaluation estimation and testing of hypotheses
4.3 Interpretation of data

5.0 major findings summary and conclusions
5.1 Major findings
5.2 Recommendations
5.3 Summary
5.4 Conclusions

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