Naira Exchange Rate Depreciation And Domestic Inflation

5 Chapters
67 Pages
10,372 Words

The research work critically examined the extent to which naira exchange rate depreciation had affected domestic inflationary rate in Nigeria between 1985 – 2000.
Therefore, in this study, the researcher examined the trend of inflation and exchange and the relationship between the two variables. A model was specified to show the relationship between both variables. Also interest rate was included in the model as one of the variables that affect inflation.
The model was then estimated using multiple regression method and variable statistical tests where carried out on the regression equation.
The result was analyzed accordingly. Moreover, the result of the statistical test shows that exchange rate depreciation of Naira is significant in explaining variation in the rate of inflation.
Finally, the data for the project work was collected from most recent years in order to make finding, adequate in explaining the cause of inflation in recent times.


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Title page
Approval page
Table of contents

Introduction 1
1.1 Background to the study 1
1.2 Statement of problem 3
1.3 Significance of study 5
1.4 Objective of the study 5
1.5 Research hypothesis 6
1.6 Scope of study 7
1.7 Definition of terms 7
Reference 8

Literature review 9
2.1 The concept of exchange rate 9
2.2 Exchange rate management in Nigeria 19
2.3 Inflation – a concept 28
2.4 Theories of inflation 32
2.5 Inflation in Nigeria 37
2.6 Exchange rate depreciation and inflation in Nigeria 41
2.7 Empirical evidence 43
Reference 46

Research methodology 48
3.1 Method of data collection and analysis 48
3.2 Theoretical framework and model specification 48
Reference 53

Analysis of result 54
4.1 Presentation of result 54
4.2 Analysis of result 55

Summary, conclusion and recommendation 57
5.1 Summary 57
5.2 Conclusion 58
5.3 Recommendation 58

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