Motivation Of Junior Workers For Enhanced Performance

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Junior workers are indispensable, vital past of management and need to be motivated for efficiency and effective productivity. This research work is on motivation of junior workers for enhanced performance focused on some selected firms (PHCN, Sports Council, ITC) in Owerri. The study identified the problems of motivation on junior workers. The study has four research questions and two Hypothesis, both primary and secondary sources of data where used. Field source design was used while structural questionnaire is the major instrument for data collections. The questionnaire was analyzed with simple percentage with chi-square statistical tool. The study revealed that motivation influences the junior workers performance and that its constituent determine it acceptance a compensation policy. Based on the findings it was recommended that management should re-appraise and re-evaluate the present salary structure of junior workers with a view to increasing its productivity and in order to achieve it and maintained it.

Chapter One

Human beings, whatever their background and orientation may be, are motivated in one way or the other. There are various reasons why people work. To earn respect among associates. To earn salaries and wages. To acquire prestige and honour. To achieve excellence in chosen a career. To socialize with others. To dominate. But culture is indeed a determining factor.
According to Mescon et al (1999) stated that motivation is the force that moves individuals to take action. It is the set of forces that initiate behaviour and determine its form, direction, intensity and duration. Appleby defined it as that which concerns the way urges, aspirations, drives and needs of human being direct or control or explain the behaviour.
No wonder in trying to explain the meaning of motivation by kootz, he said that motivation is an inner state that energizes activities of moves and that directs or channels behaviour towards goal accomplishment.
It appears therefore to be one of the most contributory factors to the success or failure of organizational goals. Without motivation, in what ever form it would be fallacious to say that human beings will only vegetate without any efforts for mental activity.
The presence of motivation in any form in whatever field on human Endeavour, enhance performance and in many cases increases productivity. A worker who is motivated will not only be happy with her job but also will in addition give or put in her best in the work. She will seek better way to perform any function and increase her for creativity, innovation as well as have a sense of belonging in that particular organization. Therefore, productive will be as its lowest ebb and notable depressed. After all, the essence of hard work is to derive some rewards.
This study is therefore intended to highlight how motivation affects the productivity of workers in general and junior workers in particular. It is also a study designed to find out the relationship of been enhanced performance and motivation.

This study is set to identify motivational techniques employed by organization to enhance the performance of their junior workers. It will also identify the prospects and constraints of techniques while recommending the most effective of them all.
Some of this problems are, use of wrong incentives, applications of technique, lack of experts or professionals in the field and this causes low productivity. As a result of this, it becomes necessary for some organization to resort in order to enhances the performance of their workers.

This study is designed effectively to evaluate impact of motivation on junior workers in relation to performance.
1. If they are some experts in the field, it will help in increasing productivity
2. Use of incentive will help to motivate workers to achieved enhanced performance.
3. The application of modern techniques or machines helps workers to perform their work so easier and increase productivity. Also for the successful realization of their goals.

In an attempt to provide answer to the afford said research questions, the following hypothesis are been drawn up.
Ho: Motivational techniques is not commensurate with junior workers generally,
H1: Motivational techniques is commensurate with junior workers generally.
Ho: Lack of motivation does not have any effect on junior workers performance.
H1: Lack of motivation have effect on junior workers performance

Employees are valuable profit making part of a business organization. According to A.U Ohiri “A truly motivated workers is one who want to work”. This means that if one is adequately motivated, one will not discharge his duties well. Management should bear in mind that if workers were not properly motivated, their level of productivity would drop.
Therefore, this study will go along way by providing a framework on how to motivate workers adequate using only resources of the employers, ascertain the effect of motivation on the workers in election to productivity at work places. The study will recommend to management of business organization the various ways of determining the impact of motivation on their workers so as to actively achieved organization goals and objectives.
It will help the workers and management to draw a distinction between monetary incentives and other motivational techniques such as fringe benefits and advancement applied as in inducement to junior worker’s work enhancement in order to boost productivity.

To carry out this research effectively, certain question are asked in order to ascertain the relevant of this study to the organization, such questions are thus;
1. What is the importance of junior workers motivation to organizational performance?
2. What motivational techniques are available for junior workers?
3. How does junior worker’s motivation affect productivity?
4. In what ways are junior workers motivated for achievement of enhanced performance?

This study is on motivation of junior workers for enhanced performance will focus on selected firms in Owerri.

Motivation of junior worker in a topic embracing all forms of concern of any organization both private and the public organization.
It will not be possible to go into all aspect of motivations within the time limits. Not withstanding its major limitations are time constraints, the challenges of financial constraint and unwillingness of workers who are not really to carryout their assign task and to put in there best in the work provided. There where also lack of literature research work, limited accessibility to certain materials that could have made the easier celebrate and more comprehensive.

For effective understanding by users of this work, some of such terms are as explained under
i. Junior: Somebody or person younger, lower in rank or position than other in an organization
ii. Workers: A person who work, especially one who does a particular kind of work. Or is a person who takes part of the productivity process.
iii. Junior Workers: From the two definitions above, junior workers are defined as a persons of lower rank who works in an organization.
iv. Motivation: The process of influencing or encouraging subordinate or followers to work for a cause desired by the motivator or leader or it is an inner state that energizes activities of moves and that directs or channels behaviour towards goal accomplishment.
v. Performance: It is a faithful commitment to doing or executing ones responsibilities in an organization.
vi. Productivity: It is the rate at which a worker, a company or a country produces goods and the amount produced, compared

Table of Contents

Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.0 Introduction.
1.1 Background of the study.
1.2 Statement of problems.
1.3 Purpose of the study.
1.4 Research questions.
1.5 Research Hypothesis.
1.6 Significance of the study.
1.7 Scope/Limitation of the study.
1.8 Definition of terms.

2.0 Literature Review.
2.1 The importance of motivation.
2.2 The major theories of motivation.
2.3 Ways of motivating worker’s.
2.4 Benefits of an organization for motivation of junior worker’s.
2.5 Effect of lack of motivation on worker’s.
2.6 Summary of literature review.

3.0 Research design and methodology.
3.1 Research design.
3.2 Method/Sources of data collection.
3.2.1 Primary data.
3.2.2 Secondary data.
3.3 Population of the study.
3.4 Sample size determination.
3.5 Description of the instrument for data collection.
3.6 Validation and Reliability of measuring instrument.
3.7 Method of data analysis.
3.8 Decision Rule.

4.0 Presentation and analysis of data.
4.1 Presentation of research questions.
4.2 Analysis of research question.
4.3 Testing of hypothesis.
4.4 Discussion of finding.

5.0 Summary of finding, Conclusion & Recommendation.
5.1 Summary of finding.
5.2 Conclusion.
5.3 Recommendation.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2

Academic Research Structure: Important Sections

A 150–300 word synopsis of the main objectives, methods, findings, and conclusions of the Motivation Of Junior Workers For Enhanced Performance should be included in the abstract.

Every chapter, section, and subsection in the research work should be listed in the Table of Contents, including the page numbers that correspond to each one.

The background, research question or hypothesis, and objective or aim of the Motivation Of Junior Workers For Enhanced Performance should all be presented in the introduction, which is the first section.

A survey of previously conducted research on Motivation Of Junior Workers For Enhanced Performance should be included in the literature review, together with an overview of the main conclusions, a list of any gaps, and an introduction to the current study.

The conclusion part should address the implications of the study, provide an answer to the research question and summarize the key findings.

The reference of Motivation Of Junior Workers For Enhanced Performance, which should be formatted following a particular citation style (such as APA, MLA, or Chicago), is a list of all the sources cited in the title.

Other important sections of the Motivation Of Junior Workers For Enhanced Performance should include the Title page, Dedication, Acknowledgments, Methodology, Results, Discussion, Appendices, Glossary, or Abbreviations List where applicable.