Motivation Of Junior Workers For Enhanced Performance

(A Case Study Of Selected Firms In Owerri)

5 Chapters
71 Pages
10,505 Words

Junior workers are indispensable, vital past of management and need to be motivated for efficiency and effective productivity. This research work is on motivation of junior workers for enhanced performance focused on some selected firms (PHCN, Sports Council, ITC) in Owerri. The study identified the problems of motivation on junior workers. The study has four research questions and two Hypothesis, both primary and secondary sources of data where used. Field source design was used while structural questionnaire is the major instrument for data collections. The questionnaire was analyzed with simple percentage with chi-square statistical tool. The study revealed that motivation influences the junior workers performance and that its constituent determine it acceptance a compensation policy. Based on the findings it was recommended that management should re-appraise and re-evaluate the present salary structure of junior workers with a view to increasing its productivity and in order to achieve it and maintained it.

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Title page
Approval page
Table of content

1.0 Introduction.
1.1 Background of the study.
1.2 Statement of problems.
1.3 Purpose of the study.
1.4 Research questions.
1.5 Research Hypothesis.
1.6 Significance of the study.
1.7 Scope/Limitation of the study.
1.8 Definition of terms.

2.0 Literature Review.
2.1 The importance of motivation.
2.2 The major theories of motivation.
2.3 Ways of motivating worker’s.
2.4 Benefits of an organization for motivation of junior worker’s.
2.5 Effect of lack of motivation on worker’s.
2.6 Summary of literature review.

3.0 Research design and methodology.
3.1 Research design.
3.2 Method/Sources of data collection.
3.2.1 Primary data.
3.2.2 Secondary data.
3.3 Population of the study.
3.4 Sample size determination.
3.5 Description of the instrument for data collection.
3.6 Validation and Reliability of measuring instrument.
3.7 Method of data analysis.
3.8 Decision Rule.

4.0 Presentation and analysis of data.
4.1 Presentation of research questions.
4.2 Analysis of research question.
4.3 Testing of hypothesis.
4.4 Discussion of finding.

5.0 Summary of finding, Conclusion & Recommendation.
5.1 Summary of finding.
5.2 Conclusion.
5.3 Recommendation.
Appendix 1
Appendix 2

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