Marketing Of Laundering And Dry Cleaning Services

(A Case Study Of Rex Brothers)

5 Chapters
88 Pages
9,327 Words

This research project is a very crucial study for Rex Brothers and dry cleaning services. The study was moderated by the necessity to know the role of Marketing in the Laundry and dry cleaning services. To solve the research problem both primary and secondary data were collected. The research instruments used in collecting the data were questionnaires and oral interview. The respondents comprised of the personnel and customers of the firm.
In organizing and presenting data collected tables, frequencies and percentages were used. Data analysis and interpretation gave the followings.
– That there is lack of proper integration of the Marketing concept in the firm.
– That most customers choose their cleaning firm because of their services efficiency and prompt delivery rather than on location variables and dispositions.
– The firm inability to meet customer’s services needs/requirement through adequate provision of enough collection centers and patrol van was contributing to customer use of direct visit to firm approach. It therefore depicts lack of well planned and good distribution services it was equally discovered that apart from the mounting of sign boards, the company engages in radio advert but this has not been very effective and other media are not used and also the use of more and effective promotional activities by service firm in order to attract more customers attention.
The company should sign the service package in a way it can be delivered and performed effectively and efficiently in consideration of time and labour cost.
Conclusively, this has shown enough that there exist adequate demand for laundry and dry cleaning services which is capable of sustaining dry cleaning firm and enhancing their growth, this latent demand can only be stimulated into effective demand by the use of appropriate marketing and management strategy.
In the recommendation, the following were recommended among others:
The need for firm work marketing professional bodies, pool resources to organize research in the industry and work towards greater customer satisfaction.
– Use of more and effective promotional activities by firms in order to attract more customer attention.
– Examine change as it affects their firm with a view to identifying opportunity to be exploited by the use of marketing methodologies that may have been scantily performed in a rather career fashion.
– Development of comprehensive and adequate service package that can cater for a greater percentage of your customers.
– Synthesizing the service package in a way it can be delivered and performed effectively and efficiently in consideration of time and labour costs.

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Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Content

Chapter One
1.1 Background To The Study

1.2 Statement Of The Problems
1.3 Objectives Of The Study
1.4 Formulation Of Hypothesis
1.5 Significance Of The Study
1.6 Scope Of The Study
1.7 Definition Of Terms

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 An Overview Of Marketing
2.2 An Overview Of Service
2.3 Characteristics Of Service
2.4 Service Marketing Premises And Strategy
2.5 Planning And Development
2.6 Quality Control Needs Of Services Firm (Dry-Cleaning And Laundering Service)
2.7 Production In Dry Cleaning And-Underling Firm
2.8 Strategy In The Marketing Of Laundry And Dry Cleaning Firm

Chapter Three
3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Population Of The Study
3.2 Sampling Techniques
3.3 Sample Size Determination
3.4 Research Instruments Used
3.5 Method Of Data Treatment –And Analysis
3.6 Limitation Of The Study
3.7 Questionnaire Administration And Response Rate

Chapter Four
4.0 Presentation, Analysis And Interpretation Of Data

4.1 Presentation And Analysis Of Data
4.2 Test Of Hypothesis

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary Of The Findings, Recommendations And Conclusions

5.1 Summary Of Finding
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion

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