Marketing Of Church Service

(A Case Study Of Catholic Church In Enugu Metropolis)

5 Chapters
55 Pages
6,920 Words

Marketing of church services are established to deliver services to the people of God. Are these services made to satisfy the congregation themselves or the priests.
The researcher observed that the marketing of church services have some services to render and they encounter some difficulties in rendering that services like language, concentration from the audience, noise etc and the researcher also prefers solutions to these problems.
Every business organization has its aim and objectives and the same involved in marketing of church services. The concept of marketing mix are also applicable in church service like project petering, promotion and distribution(place).
A number of past related literatures examined by other studies as it relates to the application of marketing concept in church services.
Chapter three deals with the design of the study, the method used in collecting relevant data. It also shows how a questionnaire were distributed and the treatment of data and information get was analyzed and interpreted.
Finally, the summary of findings, conclusion on the research and recommendation made by the researcher are all in chapter five.
If priests should put the recommendations made into practice, the marketing of church services should be improved and the priest should be trained before engaging in church services.

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Cover Page
Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Contents

Chapter One
1.1 Introduction

1.2 Background Of The Study
1.3 Statement Of The Problem
1.4 Purpose Of The Study
1.5 Significance Of The Study
1.6 Research Question
1.7 Delimitation

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

Chapter Three
3.0 Design Of Research And Methodology

3.1 Assumption
3.2 Sources Of Data
a) Primary Data
b) Secondary Data
3.3 Data Collection
3.4 Population Of The Study
3.5 Sample Size Determination
3.6 Questionnaire Administration And Respondents
3.7 Method Of Data Treatment And Analysis

Chapter Four
4.0 Introduction

4.1 Service Of The Church
4.2 Rendering Of Services Properly
4.3 Measuring The Degree Of Performance
4.4 The Reason Why There Is Poor Rendering Of Church Service
4.5 The Recommended Language
4.6 The Cause Of Lack Of Concentration
4.7 The Cause Of Noise In Church Service
4.8 The Pastor Should Go For More Training
4.9 Research Question Analysis

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary, Conclusion And Recommendation


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