Margarine Production Using Oil Blends From Palm Kernel, Coconut And Melon

5 Chapters
100 Pages
12,650 Words

Palm kernel, coconut and melon oils were extracted and refined.
Their physical and chemical characteristics were examined.
The refined oils were blended to produce three samples of margarine: palm kernel oil margarine (PKO), palm kernel and coconut oils margarine were tested for free fatty acid and Iodine value with the following results 0.27,0.84, 1.68 Free Fatty Acid, 17.77, 20.30, 21.57 Iodine value for PKO, PCO and PCM margarine respectively.
These products were assessed organoleptically using 9 – point hedoic scale o both samples and the standard were found to be significantly different at 5% level of probability.
There was however no significant difference in taste and colour at the same level of significance. Production of margarine using these three blends of oils should be encouraged to add to the varieties of margarine in the market.

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Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Content

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 Fats And Oils
2.1.2 Importance Of Fats And Oils
2.1.3 Fats As Food
2.1.4 Essential Fatty Acids
2.1.5 Classification Of Fats And Oils
2.1.6 Composition Of Seed Oils
2.1.7 Tropical Oil Seeds
2.2.0 Palm Kernel, Coconut And Melon
2.2.1 Coconut
2.2.2 Melon
2.2.3 General Methods Of Extracting Seed Oils
2.2.4 Refining And Processing Of Seed Oils
2.2.5 Hydrogenation
2.2.6 Storage Of Processed Oil
2.2.7 Rancidity
2.2.8 Functions Of Additives Used
2.2.9 Components Contributing Flavour And Colour
2.3.0 Margarine

Chapter Three
3.0 Materials And Methods

3.1 Source Of Material
3.2.1 Refining Procedure
3.3 Determination Of The Specific Gravity
3.3.1 Determination Of Yield
3.3.2 Determination Of Moisture Content
3.4 Method Of Chemical Analysis On The Oils
3.4.1 Provide Value Determination
3.4.2 Free Fatty Determination
3.4.3 Determination Of Iodine Value
3.5.0 Recipe For The Product
3.6.0 Production Of Margarine
3.7.0 Methods Of Analysis Of Margarine
3.8.0 Sensory Evaluation

Chapter Four
4.0 Results And Discussion

4.1 Conclusion
4.2 Discussion

Chapter Five
5.0 Conclusion And Recommendation

5.1 Conclusion
5.2 Recommendation

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