Knowledge And Practice Of Infection Control Among Nurses

(A Case Study Of Nurses In Nigerian Christian Hospital, Nlagu)

5 Chapters
37 Pages
7,596 Words

Infections are significant causes of morbidity and mortality in every health care institution especially in developing countries, therefore this study was undertaken to determine the level of knowledge and practices of infection control among nurses in Nigerian Christian Hospital, Nlagu. The objectives were to assess the level of knowledge and practice of infection control among nurses in Nigerian Christian Hospital, Nlagu. A descriptive research design was used for the study. The instrument for data collection was a validated questionnaire. Data were analyzed using a descriptive statistics. The result revealed that 100% of the respondents had good knowledge of infection control practices. As regard to the extent of nurse practice of barrier precautions, 88% of the respondents have not. Also on disposal of sharp injury policy and safe disposal measures while 20% of the respondents does not take the responsibility of  such. Based on the results, although nurses have good knowledge of infection control, the hospital management should provide more personal protective equipment, organize and sponsor seminar and workshops to improve infection control and practice.

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