Knowledge And Practice Of Breast Self Examination Among Women Of Child Bearing Age

(A Case Study Of Umuchieze, Umunneochi Local Government Area, Abia State)

5 Chapters
65 Pages
10,009 Words

The research study used a descriptive survey technique to evaluate the knowledge and practice of breast self-examination among women of child bearing age in Umuchieze, Umunneochi local government area, Abia State. The objectives of the study evaluated each of the research questions and they are: from Research question 1, findings show that women who have heard of breast self-examination is 75% whereas 25% of the women have not in Umuchieze, Umunneochi local government area. This data show that a larger proportion of women have heard of breast self-examination which was in contrast to the study of Nik Rosmawti where 61.6% have poor knowledge of breast self-examination. Also from the second analysis, the true proportion of women that knew the methods of breast self-examination is 61.6% while 38.4% don’t. This shows that the women are aware of the methods of breast self-examination. From third findings on knowledge, show that the proportion of women who are aware of breast cancer and lumps is 89.9% while 10.1% don’t know about breast cancer and lumps. This shows also good knowledge on the women. From Research question 2, analysis show that 44% of the women said they have no reason for non-practice of breast self-examination (BSE). Whereas 24% had their reasons to be religion and 14.2% had their reasons to be a taboo for them. This means the women are just being complacent towards the practice of BSE hence advocacy aimed at behavior change should be enhanced. Analysis from research question 3, show that 48.5% of the women practice breast self-examination whereas 51.5% don’t practice it. This is poor as regards the proportion of women who were aware of breast self-examination. Analysis from research question 4, show that 26.8% (53) respondents practice breast self-examination immediately after menses. And 14.6% (29 respondents practice BSE seven (7) days after menses; 6.6% (13 respondents practice breast self-examination once in a year. Whereas 42.9% (85 respondents don’t practice breast self-examination. This shows that though the respondents are aware of breast self-examination, the practice frequency rate is low hence the methods should be demonstrated properly and should be the main focus in subsequent health education. Conclusively, the above findings show that a good proportion of the women in Umuchieze, are aware of breast self-examination; breast cancer and the methods but with low practice. Therefore, all hands should be on deck (government, health workers and all women of child bearing) towards behavior change and practice of breast self-examination. Hence, the need to go to schools for advocacy programs and health talks on breast self-examination.



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Title page
Table of Contents

Background of the Study
Statement of Problem
Objectives of the Study
Research Question
Scope of Study/Limitations of study
Significance of the Study
Operational Definitions of Terms

Conceptual Review
Theoretical Framework
Empirical Review
Summary of Literature Review

Research Design
Setting/Area of Study
Population of Study
Sampling Techniques/Procedure
Sample size
Instrument for Data Collection
Validity of Instrument
Reliability of Instrument
Method of Data Collection
Method of Data Analysis
Ethical Consideration


Suggestions for further studies

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