Instructional Problems Associated With The Poor Performance In School Certificate English Language By Students

(A Case Study Of Enugu North Local Government Area)

5 Chapters
45 Pages
6,313 Words

Survey research design was employed in the study because it helps in collecting and analyzing data on issues as they exist. The study covered the nine (9) secondary schools in Enugu North Local Government Area, Enugu State. The population of the study comprises all the secondary school students in Enugu North Local Government Area, Enugu State. Five (5) schools were purposively selected out of (9) schools in the Area, of study using random sampling technique. The instrument used was questionnaire designed to elicit responses on the subject of study. Data collection was done personally by the researchers with help of three research assistant. Copies of the questionnaire were distributed and collected on the spot. This is to ensure adequate return rate. The data collected were analyzed using the mean and standard deviation. A criterion mean of 2.5 was established. Means scores of 2.5 and above were regarded as high extent instructional problem while mean scores below 2.5 will be regarded as low extent instructional problem.

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Title Page
Approval Page
Table Of Contents

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Background Of The Study
1.2 Statement Of The Study
1.3 Purpose Of The Study
1.4 Significance Of The Study
1.5 Scope Of The Study
1.6 Research Question


Chapter Two
2.0 Review Of Related Literature

2.1 Conceptual Framework
2.2 Poor Methodology
2.3 Explanation Method
2.4 Demonstration Method
2.5 Lack Of Instructional Materials
2.6 Wrong Usage Of Instructional Material
2.7 Summary Of Literature Review

Chapter Three
3.0 Research Method

3.1 Research Design
3.2 Area Of The Study
3.3 Population Of The Study
3.4 Sampling Techniques
3.5 Instrument For Data Collection
3.6 Method Of Data Collection
3.7 Method Of Data Analysis

Chapter Four
4.0 Data Presentation And Analysis

Chapter Five
5.0 Discussion Of Findings, Summary, Conclusion And Recommendations

5.1 Discussion Of Findings
5.2 Educational Implication
5.3 Summary And Conclusion
5.4 Recommendation
Appendix A
Appendix B

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