Influence Of Photographic Images In Advert Design

5 Chapters
39 Pages
4,873 Words

This research project THE INFLUENCE OF PHOTOGRAPHIC IMAGES IN ADVERTISING has looked at photograph in relation to their roles in conveying messages through advertising medium, to also improve on the way photographs are been used in advertising for promotion of products. To successfully do this the illustration aspect, which is the photograph, must be properly used in a way that it must tally with the text aspect in other for the role message to be adequately conveyed to the public. This project also covers the studio process through which photographs are been produced. Furthermore, this research also covers the creative aspect of advertising which are stages that are involved in the task of a successful adverts. In conclusion, the researcher included techniques in photography through which photograph for advert can be produced. Moreso, that the works should be handled by professionals in graphics design to avoid wrong or abusive way of using photograph in adverts, to also make work being done in Nigeria of international standard.

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Title page
Certification page
Table of contents

1.0 Background Statement
1.1 Statement of Problems
1.2 Objective of Study
1.3 Significance of Study
1.4 Scope of Study

2.0 Literature Review
2.1 Photo Retouching
2.2 Creative Aspect Of Advertising
2.3 Credibility of Photography
2.4 Functions of Photograph
2.5 The Necessity of the Visual

3.1 Methodology
3.2 Questions
3.3 Responses On Oral Interview
3.4 Production Process
3.5 The Visualizing Stage
3.6 The Illustration Stage (Pectoral Aspect)
3.7 The Finishing

4.1 Project Analysis
4.2 Project Execution

5.1 Observation
5.2 Recommendation
5.3 Conclusion

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