Impact Of Transportation Cost On Consumers Retail Goods Prices

(A Case Study Of Garriki Market, Enugu South Local Government Enugu State)

5 Chapters
99 Pages
11,297 Words

This project work examine the “impact of transportation cost on customer goods retail process”.
The population addressed were the wholesaler each was drawn. Data were collected using questionnaire that was distributed to the wholesales and retailers of Afor Awkuanaw market (Garriki) in Enugu South Local Government Area Enugu State whom the researcher believed were more informed about the topic.
The data generated were analyzed using descriptive statistical tool, mainly frequency distribution with accompanying comments.
The major findings made include:
1. Cost of transportation affects agricultural goods retailers than manufacture goods retailers.
2. Profit maximization was not always the desire for most dealers particularly those who have retired and set no retail business in order to avoid being ideal. The reported recommended that:
dealers should strive to procure goods from the one source in order to develop transporters.

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Title Page
Approval Page

Chapter One
1.0 Introduction

1.1 Statement Of The Problem
1.2 Objectives Of The Study
1.3 Research Questions
1.4 Significance Of The Study
1.5 Scope And Limitation Of Study

Chapter Two
2.0 Literature Review

2.1 The Garriki Market
2.2 Transportation Of Goods
2.3 Yam Species
2.4 Yam Marketing And Distribution
2.5 Nature And Operation Of Physical Distribution
2.6 Module For Price
2.7 Definition Of Transport
2.8 Yam Producing Areas

Chapter Three
3.0 Research Methodology

3.1 Sources Of Data
3.2 Primary Source Of Data
3.3 Secondary Source Of Data
3.4 Population Of The Study
3.5 Determination Of Sample Size

Chapter Four
4.0 Presentation, Analysis And Interpretation Of Data

4.1 Appendix I
4.2 Appendix Ii

Chapter Five
5.0 Summary Of Findings

5.1 Recommendations
5.2 Suggested Areas For Further Study
5.3 Conclusion

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