Impact Of The Prudential Guidelines In The Insurance Industry

5 Chapters
93 Pages
10,440 Words

What I intend to achieve as the researcher of this project topic the prudential guidelines on insurance companies will hold for the industry in the nearest future.
This is to centered on the impact the issued of guidelines by the various regulatory bodies like the insurance Decree of 1996 and 1991 and the establishment of various bodies like the Nigerian insurance stock brokers and others.
I also want to achieve the performance apprisal of the insurance companies with view of improving revenue profits, identifying the problems faced as a result of this prudential guidelines issued.
In an effort to access the impacts of the implementation of the prudential guidelines one must first and for most achieve why the guidelines were issued and what they were intended to achieve.
Hence the need to findings lasting solutions to sanities the insurance industry to bring about a more better future for its existence.
Chapter one
Vividly speaking this will base on Introduction, Background of study, statement of problems, objectives of study, significance of the study, scope limitation and delimitation and lastly Definition of terms.
Chapter two
This particularly involve the Review of related literature, objectives of insurance regulation, insurance Decree of 1976 and insurance Decree No 58 of 1991.
Chapter Three
Under this chapter we have Research designed and methodology, Data source, Data type, Data location and method of investigation applied.
Chapter Four
This will basically base on presentation and analysis of data, General review of Nigerian insurance market and claims.
Chapter Five
This will contained the following findings, recommendation and conclusion.

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This project work is aimed at giving an insight of what the prudential guidelines on insurance companies hold for the industry in the nearest future.
It is centered on the impact of issued guideline by the various regulatory bodies like the insurance. Decree of 1976 and 1991 and the establishment of the various bodies like the NISB and others.
It also examine the performance apprisal of the insurance companies with a view of improving revenue profits, identifying the problems faced as a result of this prudential guidelines issued.
Hence the need to finding lasting solution to sanitize the insurance industry to bring about a more better future for its existence.

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NOTE: Preview the following Table of Content before you download the full content. WYSIWYG – What You See Is What You Get.

1.0 Introduction 1
1.1 Background of study 2
1.2 Statement of problems 3
1.3 Objective of study 4
1.4 Significance of the study 5
1.5 Scope limitation and delimitation 6
1.6 Research Hypothesis 8
1.7 Definition of terms 9

2.0 Review of Related Literature 13
2.1 Objectives of insurance regulations 15
2.2 Insurance Decree of 1976 17
2.3 Insurance Decree No 58 of 1991 17
2.4 Insurance Association 18
2.5 Brief History of Insurable interest 27
2.6 Claims settlement 29

3.0 Research Design And Methodology 52
3.1 Data source 52

4.0 Presentation and analysis of data 58
4.1 Introduction 58
4.2 Presentation of Question 58
4.3 Analysis of Data 68

5.0 Summary of Findings 76
5.1 Decision of Findings 78
5.2 Conclusion 79
5.3 Recommendation 81
Bibliography/References 83

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