Impact Of Management Incentive Policies On Worker’s Productivity

(A Case Study Of Dangote Cement Factory, Obajana, Kogi State)

5 Chapters
82 Pages
1,377 Words

The impact of management incentive policies on worker‟s
productivity. The place of good management incentive policies on
employee‟s productivity cannot be over emphasized. Most
incentives plans are designed to help increase efficiency in the
organization. However, obtaining employee‟s acceptance of
incentive system may be difficult at the onset. This research has
been necessitated by the need of raise awareness of practitioners
and the employers of labour to the need of high productivity
through good incentive policies. The researcher‟s search light was
beamed on several theories of incentive usefulness and purpose of
a good incentive policy in an organization. Problems associated
with individual incentive plans were also enumerated with a view
to providing solutions to those problems in form of
recommendations, which is that the management should
concentrate more on individual incentive scheme whereby reward
will be based on individual effort. Organizations have divergent
policies on incentive, but towards what extent has these packages
improve productivity? This research work is significantly useful as
a reference point for subsequent researches and more useful to
every organization that that desires to achieve high productivity.
The descriptive research was adopted, while both primary and
secondary source of data were explored. The population of the
study was 187 and the sample size is 127 by using Yaro Yamane
method. The study revealed that good incentive polices motivate
workers, motivated workers are happy workers and happy workers
are productive workers. The study also revealed that a monetary
incentive is essential in getting workers to perform better.
However, money is not everything for other factors are equally

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Title page

1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Statement of problem 3
1.3 Objectives of the study 5
1.4 Research questions 5
1.5 Significance of the study 6
1.6 Scope of the study 7
1.7 Limitation 7

2.0 Review of Related Literature 10
2.1 Theoretical Frame Work the Study 11
2.2 Historical back ground of Dangote Cement
factory, Obajana, kogi State. 25
2.3 Current literature on theories postulated 28

3.0 Research Design and Methodology 42
3.1 Research Design 42
3.2 Source Of Data 42
3.2.1 Primary Source of Data 42
3.2.2 Secondary Source of Data 42
3.3 Postulation of The Study 43
3.4 Sample Design and Determination Of Design Size 43
3.5 Method Of Data Collection 45
3.5.1 Questionnaire Design, Distribution
and Collection Of Response 45
3.6 Methods Of Data Presentation And Analysis 46

4.0 Data Presentation and Analysis 48
4.1 Demographic Characteristics 48
4.2 Presentations According To the Key
Research Questions 49

5.0 Summary of findings, conclusion
and recommendation 61
5.1 Summary of findings 51
5.2 Conclusion 63
5.3 Recommendation 64

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