Impact Of Industrial Training On Banking Finance Students

(A Case Study Of I.M.T Enugu)

4 Chapters
37 Pages
4,623 Words

This research was carried out to find out the Impact of Industrial Training on Banking and Finance Students of I.M.T. Enugu. The project was divided into four chapters. Chapter one dealt with Background of the study scope of the study and limitation of the study.
Chapter two looked at the methodology used for the research, while chapter three gave a vertical analysis of the Related Literature Review, Historical Background of Industrial Training Fund and Development of SIWES.
A summary of findings, recommendation and conclusion were draw in chapter four.

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ii Title page
iii Approval
iv Dedication
v Acknowledgement
vi Abstract
vii Table of content

Introduction 1
1.1 Background of the study 1
1.2 Purpose of the study 3
1.3 Significance of the study 3
1.4 Scope of the study 4
1.5 Limitations of the study 5
1.6 Research questions 5
1.7 Definition of terms 6
Reference 7

2.0 Review of Literature 8
2.1 Historical background of industrial training fund
and development of siwes – aims 9
Reference 16

3.0 Research Design and Mythology 17
3.1 Design of the study 17
3.2 Procedure for data analysis 17
3.3 Population 18
3.4 Sample 18
3.5 Instrument used in data collection 18
3.6 Administration 19
3.7 Description of data used in gathering instrument 19
3.8 Data presentation and analysis 20
3.9 Industrial work experience scheme in banking and finance 22
3.10 Importance of SIWES
Reference 25

Summary of Finding, Conclusion and Recommendation 26
4.1 Summary of Finding 26
4.2 Recommendation 27
4.3 Conclusion 28

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